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Cited By
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Index Terms
- Linear stochastic systems
Infinite horizon optimal control of linear discrete time systems with stochastic parameters
The infinite horizon optimal control problem is considered in the general case of linear discrete time systems and quadratic criteria, both with stochastic parameters which are independent with respect to time. A stronger stabilizability property and a ...
Efficient Strong Integrators for Linear Stochastic Systems
We present numerical schemes for the strong solution of linear stochastic differential equations driven by an arbitrary number of Wiener processes. These schemes are based on the Neumann (stochastic Taylor) and Magnus expansions. First, we consider the ...
Limiting Discounted-Cost Control of Partially Observable Stochastic Systems
This paper presents two main results on partially observable (PO) stochastic systems. In the first one, we consider a general PO system $$ x_{t+1}= F (x_t, a_t, xi_t), , y_t= G(x_t, eta_t) (t=0,1,ldots) hspace{1in} (*) $$ on Borel spaces, with possibly ...