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View all- Herrmann PKrumm H(1999)Formal Hazard Analysis of Hybrid Systems in cTLAProceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems10.5555/829524.831032Online publication date: 18-Oct-1999
ASTRAL is a formal specification language for real-time systems. It is intended to support formal software development, and therefore has been formally defined. This paper focuses on how to formally prove the mathematical correctness of ASTRAL ...
This paper proposes a formal modelling for self-organising multi-agent systems SOMAS based on stepwise refinements, with the Event-B language and the temporal logic of actions TLA. This modelling allows to develop this kind of systems in a more ...
Formal specification provides a system description that is much more precise than the natural language one and it can help to solve a lot of specification problems. But even a formal specification of a system can contain mistakes or can disagree with ...
IEEE Computer Society
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