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Computational Complexity of Machine LearningOctober 1990
  • MIT Press
  • 55 Hayward St.
  • Cambridge
  • MA
  • United States
Published:01 October 1990
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  1. ACM
    Alani M Applications of machine learning in cryptography Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy, (23-27)
  2. ACM
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    Bshouty N, Tamon C and Wilson D On learning width two branching programs (extended abstract) Proceedings of the ninth annual conference on Computational learning theory, (224-227)
  25. ACM
    Bshouty N and Tamon C On the Fourier spectrum of monotone functions Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, (219-228)
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    Vaidyanathan S and Lakshmivarahan S Analysis of upper bound in Valiant's model for learning bounded CNF expressions Proceedings of the 1993 ACM/SIGAPP symposium on Applied computing: states of the art and practice, (754-761)
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    Kannan S On the query complexity of learning Proceedings of the sixth annual conference on Computational learning theory, (58-66)
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    Decatur S Statistical queries and faulty PAC oracles Proceedings of the sixth annual conference on Computational learning theory, (262-268)
  29. ACM
    Kearns M Efficient noise-tolerant learning from statistical queries Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing, (392-401)
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  • University of Pennsylvania
