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Formal Methods for Real-Time ComputingApril 1996
  • John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • 605 Third Ave. New York, NY
  • United States
Published:01 April 1996
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From the Publisher:

Focusing on formal methods, this book offers a complete coverage of new developments with emphasis on practical application. Starting with a survey of formal methods for real-time systems, topics include program specification, formal methods, analyzing, and design of real-time systems. The book is essential reading for developers of safety critical systems and researchers in the field.

Cited By

  1. Baresi L, Pourhashem Kallehbasti M and Rossi M Efficient scalable verification of LTL specifications Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering - Volume 1, (711-721)
  2. ACM
    Pradella M, Morzenti A and Pietro P (2013). Bounded satisfiability checking of metric temporal logic specifications, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 22:3, (1-54), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2013.
  3. ACM
    Furia C and Rossi M (2010). A theory of sampling for continuous-time metric temporal logic, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 12:1, (1-40), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2010.
  4. ACM
    Coronato A and Pietro G (2010). Formal specification of wireless and pervasive healthcare applications, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 10:1, (1-18), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2010.
  5. ACM
    Furia C, Mandrioli D, Morzenti A and Rossi M (2010). Modeling time in computing, ACM Computing Surveys, 42:2, (1-59), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2010.
  6. Coronato A and Pietro G A Topology Based Approach for Context-Awareness in Smart Environments Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Smart Spaces and Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking and Second Conference on Smart Spaces, (32-41)
  7. Pradella M, Morzenti A and San Pietro P Refining Real-Time System Specifications through Bounded Model- and Satisfiability-Checking Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, (119-127)
  8. Pradella M, Morzenti A and San Pietro P Benchmarking Model- and Satisfiability-Checking on Bi-infinite Time Proceedings of the 5th international colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, (290-304)
  9. Krüger I, Farcas C, Farcas E and Menarini M Requirements modeling for embedded realtime systems Proceedings of the 2007 International Dagstuhl conference on Model-based engineering of embedded real-time systems, (155-199)
  10. Diaz G, Pardo J, Cambronero M, Valero V and Cuartero F (2006). Verification of Web Services with Timed Automata, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 157:2, (19-34), Online publication date: 1-May-2006.
  11. Diaz G, Pardo J, Cambronero M, Valero V and Cuartero F Automatic translation of WS-CDL choreographies to timed automata Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on European Performance Engineering, and Web Services and Formal Methods, international conference on Formal Techniques for Computer Systems and Business Processes, (230-242)
  12. Hinchey M Confessions of a formal methodist Proceedings of the seventh Australian workshop conference on Safety critical systems and software 2002 - Volume 15, (17-20)
  13. Kolano P (2002). Proof assistance for real-time systems using an interactive theorem prover, Theoretical Computer Science, 282:1, (53-99), Online publication date: 7-Jun-2002.
  14. ACM
    Letier E and van Lamsweerde A Agent-based tactics for goal-oriented requirements elaboration Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering, (83-93)
  15. Brockmeyer M, Jahanian F, Heitmeyer C and Winner E (2000). A Flexible, Extensible Simulation Environment for Testing Real-Time Specifications, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 49:11, (1184-1201), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2000.
  16. ACM
    Kang D, Gerber R, Golubchik L, Hollingsworth J and Saksena M (2019). A software synthesis tool for distributed embedded system design, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 34:7, (87-95), Online publication date: 1-Jul-1999.
  17. ACM
    Kang D, Gerber R, Golubchik L, Hollingsworth J and Saksena M A software synthesis tool for distributed embedded system design Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1999 workshop on Languages, compilers, and tools for embedded systems, (87-95)
  18. Olderog E Correct Real-Time Software for Programmable Logic Controllers Correct System Design, Recent Insight and Advances, (to Hans Langmaack on the occasion of his retirement from his professorship at the University of Kiel), (342-362)
  19. ACM
    Alborghetti A, Gargantini A and Morzenti A (1997). Providing automated support to deductive analysis of time critical systems, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 22:6, (211-226), Online publication date: 1-Nov-1997.
  20. Alborghetti A, Gargantini A and Morzenti A Providing automated support to deductive analysis of time critical systems Proceedings of the 6th European SOFTWARE ENGINEERING conference held jointly with the 5th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, (211-226)
  21. Dierks H Synthesising controllers from real-time specifications Proceedings of the 10th international symposium on System synthesis, (126-133)
  • U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
  • Politecnico di Milano
