From the Publisher: Learn how to determine whether a Web site is offering a competitive advantage Despite the fact that numerous online ventures have recently fallen by the wayside, companies still realize that the Web plays an integral role in conducting business. They recognize the importance of measuring and analyzing the information gathered from their sites so they can find new ways to balance online and offline efforts. In this innovative book, leading Internet marketing expert Jim Sterne uncovers the latest tools and techniques that will help you determine if and how your Web site is adding value to your company. He clearly shows you how to use the range of available metrics to improve your Web marketing strategies. Incorporating his vast experience with clients such as Eastman Kodak, Ericsson, Sears Roebuck, and IBM, Sterne exposes the key issues facing corporate sites today. He then explains the role of Web metrics, detailing the criteria to follow in order to build a successful site and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Web Metrics provides you with everything you'll need to know to measure your online business strategy, including: Types of Web metrics tools, services, techniques, and standards for Web measurement Ways to fully integrate Web metrics with the customer experience Details on how to use metrics to meet specific business goals The companion Web site includes links to online tools, resources, and white papers. Author Biography: Jim Sterne is a leading expert on Internet marketing, specializing in creating strategies for business. As an author, a consultant to Fortune 500 companies and Internet entrepreneurs,and a public speaker, he focuses on the changing landscape of the World Wide Web as a medium for creating and strengthening customer relationships. With a special emphasis on Web metrics, his company, Target Marketing is dedicated to helping companies understand the possibilities and manage the realities of conducting business online.
Cited By
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