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Cited By
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Dynamic Programming is Optimal for Nonserial Optimization Problems
We consider discrete optimization problems in which the only exploitable feature of the objective function is a limited form of decomposability. “Nonoverlapping comparison algorithms” are defined as a model of procedures which decompose the problem and ...
Nonserial dynamic programming is optimal
STOC '77: Proceedings of the ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computingWe show that nonserial dynamic programming is optimal among one class of algorithms for an important class of discrete optimization problems. We consider discrete, multivariate, optimization problems in which the objective function is given as a sum of ...
Improving locality of nonserial polyadic dynamic programming
IPDPS'06: Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Parallel and distributed processingDynamic programming (DP) is a commonly used technique for solving a wide variety of discrete optimization problems, which have different variants of dynamic programming formulation. This paper investigated one important DP formulation, which called ...