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Real-time motion control of robotic manipulators for safe human–robot coexistence
AbstractThis paper introduces a computationally efficient control scheme for safe human–robot interaction. The method relies on the Explicit Reference Governor (ERG) formalism to enforce input and state constraints in real-time, thus ensuring ...
Highlights- Real-time predictive constrained control with Explicit Reference Governor.
- ...
Path-Tracking Maneuvers With Industrial Robot Manipulators Using Uncalibrated Vision and Impedance Control
This paper presents an interaction control strategy for industrial robot manipulators which consists of the combination of a calibration-free, vision-based control method with an impedance-control approach. The vision-based, robot control method known ...
On-line collision avoidance for collaborative robot manipulators by adjusting off-line generated paths: An industrial use case
AbstractHuman–robot collision avoidance is a key in collaborative robotics and in the framework of Industry 4.0. It plays an important role for achieving safety criteria while having humans and machines working side-by-side in unstructured and ...
Highlights- On-line collision avoidance for collaborative robot manipulators.
- Adjusting off-...