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View all- Zerfiridis KKaratza H(2003)Dissemination Scenarios in Peer-to-Peer NetworksProceedings of the 36th annual symposium on Simulation10.5555/786111.786219Online publication date: 30-Mar-2003
Epidemic protocols have demonstrated remarkable scalability and robustness in disseminating information on internet-scale, dynamic P2P systems. However, popular instances of such protocols suffer from a number of significant drawbacks, such as increased ...
We propose a scheme for building peer-to-peer overlay networks for broadcasting using network coding. The scheme addresses many practical issues such as scalability, robustness, constraints on bandwidth, and locality of decisions. We analyze the system ...
Scalability constitutes a key property of Peer-to-Peer overlay networks. Recent advances that improve scalability include super-peer infrastructures and network coordinates.As an integral part of an upcoming middleware for distributed computing, we have ...
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