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Software engineering risk analysis and managementDecember 1989
  • McGraw-Hill, Inc.
  • Professional Book Group 11 West 19th Street New York, NY
  • United States
Published:01 December 1989
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Gordon B. Davis

This work is a professional book, not a textbook. It is not a methodology book that gives a single solution; instead, it presents a range of techniques that may be applicable within the process of risk analysis and management for software projects. Charette explains the reasons for the process and describes the techniques. The book has seven chapters. The Best Possible World A Guidebook Tour of Risk Analysis and Management Risk Analysis: Identification Risk Analysis: Estimation Risk Analysis: Evaluation Risk Management: Planning, Controlling, and Monitoring A Review Guide to the Mechanics of Risk Analysis and Management One important feature of the book is the motivation provided by the general discussion and examples of why risk analysis and management are important for large projects. It provides some exposure to a wide range of ideas and techniques. The disadvantage is that some techniques are not explained in enough detail to implement them. The brief coverage of many techniques may make it difficult for the reader to sort out which technique should be used in a given situation. A practitioner who is ready to be motivated and wants an overview of software project risk assessment and management may find the book a useful introduction; it is not intended as a ready-made solution.

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