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Cited By
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Index Terms
- ABCL: an object-oriented concurrent system
Transactions for concurrent object-oriented programming systems
OOPSLA/ECOOP '88: Proceedings of the 1988 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Object-based concurrent programmingConcurrent object-oriented programming systems (COOPS) require support for fault tolerance, concurrency control, consistent commitment of changes and program-initiated rollback. It is sometimes suggested that the classical transaction processing model ...
Transactions for concurrent object-oriented programming systems
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Object-Based Concurrent ProgrammingConcurrent object-oriented programming systems (COOPS) require support for fault tolerance, concurrency control, consistent commitment of changes and program-initiated rollback. It is sometimes suggested that the classical transaction processing model ...
Concurrent Object Oriented 'C' (cooC)
Concurrent Object Oriented C (cooC) is a language based on the premise that an object not only provides an encapsulation boundary but should also form a process boundary; each object acts concurrently. Upon this basic model various control regimes can ...