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Dynamic Server Selection using Bandwidth Probing in Wide-Area NetworksMarch 1996
1996 Technical Report
  • Boston University
  • Office of Information Technology 111 Cummington St. Boston, MA
  • United States
Published:18 March 1996
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Abstract Replication is a commonly proposed solution to problems of scale associated with distributed services. However, when a service is replicated, each client must be assigned a server. Prior work has generally assumed that assignment to be static. In contrast, we propose dynamic server selection, and show that it enables application-level congestion avoidance. To make dynamic server selection practical, we demonstrate the use of three tools. In addition to direct measurements of round-trip latency, we introduce and validate two new tools: bprobe, which estimates the maximum possible bandwidth along a given path; and cprobe, which estimates the current congestion along a path. Using these tools we demonstrate dynamic server selection and compare it to previous static approaches. We show that dynamic server selection consistently outperforms static policies by as much as 50%. Furthermore, we demonstrate the importance of each of our tools in performing dynamic server selection.

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  • Honeywell International Inc.
  • Boston University
