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Communication middleware simplifies the construction of component-based distributed applications. However, the lack of flexibility in the construction of the middleware itself imposes limitations and is a major concern. While applications can detect changes in their execution environment, they cannot customize the underlying middleware to better accommodate these changes. To solve this problem, recent research in reflective middleware uses techniques derived from previous work in computational reflection to add flexibility to middleware. Reflective middleware exploits the concept of the meta-object protocol introduced by Kickzales. The approach combines the ideas of computational reflection and object-orientation. His model distinguishes between base level and meta-level objects. The base level concerns the functional aspects of a system while the meta-level concerns aspects that include policies, mechanisms, or strategies. The base level of a reflective middleware addresses the functionality of the application program while the meta-level designates collections of components that form the internal architecture of the middleware platform. Reflection can inspect and modify these components and change the behavior of the middleware.
An access control framework for reflective middleware
Reflective middleware opens up the implementation details of middleware platform and applications at runtime for improving the adaptability of middleware-based systems. However, such openness brings new challenges to access control of the middleware-...
Adaptive and Reflective Middleware for QoS-Enabled CCM Applications
Existing middleware specifications, such as Real-Time CORBA and CORBA Messaging, address many quality-of-service (QoS) properties by defining policies that control connection multiplexing, request priority, queuing order, routing, and dependability. ...
The case for aspect-oriented reflective middleware
ARM '07: Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on Adaptive and reflective middleware: held at the ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware ConferenceThe emergence of applications domains such as pervasive and autonomic computing has increased the need for customisation and dynamic adaptation of both distributed systems, and the underlying middleware platforms. Two highly complementary technologies ...