Historically, much work in Artificial Intelligence research has gone into designing computer programs to play two-player perfect-information games such as Chess, Checkers, Backgammon, and Othello. Comparatively little work, however, has gone into multi-player games such as Chinese Checkers, Abalone, Cribbage, Hearts, and Spades. As a result, we have highly optimized techniques for two-player games, but very little knowledge of how they work in multi-player games.
In this thesis we extend many of the standard techniques from two-player games to multi-player games. We present two decision rules, max n [Luckhardt and Irani, 1986] and paranoid, examining their theoretical properties. For max n we also introduce several pruning techniques, including Alpha-Beta Branch-and-Bound pruning and Speculative pruning. Speculative pruning is the first multi-player pruning algorithm that can prune any constant-sum multi-player game, and provides an order of magnitude reduction in node expansions over previous search techniques in games like Chinese Checkers.
We also analyze the properties of common two-player game techniques, such as zero-window search and iterative deepening, showing how their properties change in multi-player games. Finally, we present results of all these techniques in a variety of multi-player domains, including Chinese Checkers, Abalone, Cribbage, Hearts and Spades. These methods have allowed us to write state-of-the-art programs for playing Hearts and a version of Chinese Checkers on a smaller board.
Cited By
- Polk S and Oommen B (2018). Novel threat-based AI strategies that incorporate adaptive data structures for multi-player board games, Applied Intelligence, 48:8, (1893-1911), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2018.
- Polk S and Oommen B (2018). Challenging state-of-the-art move ordering with Adaptive Data Structures, Applied Intelligence, 48:5, (1128-1147), Online publication date: 1-May-2018.
- Polk S and Oommen B On Achieving History-Based Move Ordering in Adversarial Board Games Using Adaptive Data Structures Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXII - Volume 9655, (10-44)
- Polk S and Oommen B Novel AI Strategies for Multi-Player Games at Intermediate Board States Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Current Approaches in Applied Artificial Intelligence - Volume 9101, (33-42)
- Smith M (2007). PickPocket, Artificial Intelligence, 171:16-17, (1069-1091), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2007.
- Lorenz U and Tscheuschner T Player modeling, search algorithms and strategies in multi-player games Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Advances in Computer Games, (210-224)
- Sturtevant N and White A Feature construction for reinforcement learning in hearts Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Computers and games, (122-134)
- Sturtevant N Current challenges in multi-player game search Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computers and Games, (285-300)
- Sturtevant N Last-branch and speculative pruning algorithms for max Proceedings of the 18th international joint conference on Artificial intelligence, (669-675)
Index Terms
- Multiplayer games: algorithms and approaches
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