"Designing Software Product Lines with UML is well-written, informative, and addresses a very important topic. It is a valuable contribution to the literature in this area, and offers practical guidance for software architects and engineers." -Alan Brown Distinguished Engineer, Rational Software, IBM Software Group"Gomaa's process and UML extensions allow development teams to focus on feature-oriented development and provide a basis for improving the level of reuse across multiple software development efforts. This book will be valuable to any software development professional who needs to manage across projects and wants to focus on creating software that is consistent, reusable, and modular in nature." -Jeffrey S Hammond Group Marketing Manager, Rational Software, IBM Software Group"This book brings together a good range of concepts for understanding software product lines and provides an organized method for developing product lines using object-oriented techniques with the UML. Once again, Hassan has done an excellent job in balancing the needs of both experienced and novice software engineers." -Robert G. Pettit IV, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor of Software Engineering, George Mason University"This breakthrough book provides a comprehensive step-by-step approach on how to develop software product lines, which is of great strategic benefit to industry. The development of software product lines enables significant reuse of software architectures. Practitioners will benefit from the well-defined PLUS process and rich case studies." -Hurley V. Blankenship II Program Manager, Justice and Public Safety, Science Applications International Corporation"The Product Line UML based Software engineering (PLUS) is leading edge. With the author's wide experience and deep knowledge, PLUS is well harmonized with architectural and design pattern technologies." -Michael Shin Assistant Professor, Texas Tech UniversityLong a standard practice in traditional manufacturing, the concept of product lines is quickly earning recognition in the software industry. A software product line is a family of systems that shares a common set of core technical assets with preplanned extensions and variations to address the needs of specific customers or market segments. When skillfully implemented, a product line strategy can yield enormous gains in productivity, quality, and time-to-market. Studies indicate that if three or more systems with a degree of common functionality are to be developed, a product-line approach is significantly more cost-effective.To model and design families of systems, the analysis and design concepts for single product systems need to be extended to support product lines. Designing Software Product Lines with UML shows how to employ the latest version of the industry-standard Unified Modeling Language (UML 2.0) to reuse software requirements and architectures rather than starting the development of each new system from scratch. Through real-world case studies, the book illustrates the fundamental concepts and technologies used in the design and implementation of software product lines.This book describes a new UML-based software design method for product lines called PLUS (Product Line UML-based Software engineering). PLUS provides a set of concepts and techniques to extend UML-based design methods and processes for single systems in a new dimension to address software product lines. Using PLUS, the objective is to explicitly model the commonality and variability in a software product line.Hassan Gomaa explores how each of the UML modeling views-use case, static, state machine, and interaction modeling-can be extended to address software product families. He also discusses how software architectural patterns can be used to develop a reusable component-based architecture for a product line and how to express this architecture as a UML platform-independent model that can then be mapped to a platform-specific model.Key topics include: Software product line engineering process, which extends the Unified Development Software Process to address software product lines Use case modeling, including modeling the common and variable functionality of a product line Incorporating feature modeling into UML for modeling common, optional, and alternative product line features Static modeling, including modeling the boundary of the product line and information-intensive entity classes Dynamic modeling, including using interaction modeling to address use-case variability State machines for modeling state-dependent variability Modeling class variability using inheritance and parameterization Software architectural patterns for product lines Component-based distributed design using the new UML 2.0 capability for modeling components, connectors, ports, and provided and required interfaces Detailed case studies giving a step-by-step solution to real-world product line problemsDesigning Software Product Lines with UML is an invaluable resource for all designers and developers in this growing field. The information, technology, and case studies presented here show how to harness the promise of software product lines and the practicality of the UML to take software design, quality, and efficiency to the next level. An enhanced online index allows readers to quickly and easily search the entire text for specific topics.
Cited By
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- Haber A, Kolassa C, Manhart P, Nazari P, Rumpe B and Schaefer I First-class variability modeling in Matlab/Simulink Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems, (1-8)
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- Vučak I, Belani H and Vuković M AAC services development Proceedings of the 6th KES international conference on Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: technologies and applications, (231-240)
- Belani H Towards a usability requirements taxonomy for mobile AAC services Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Usability and Accessibility Focused Requirements Engineering, (36-39)
- Gomaa H and Hashimoto K Dynamic self-adaptation for distributed service-oriented transactions Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, (11-20)
- Fant J, Gomaa H and Pettit R Software product line engineering of space flight software Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Product LinE Approaches in Software Engineering, (41-44)
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- Lettner M, Tschernuth M and Mayrhofer R A critical review of applied MDA for embedded devices Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Model driven engineering languages and systems, (228-242)
- Abu-Matar M and Gomaa H Feature-Based variability meta-modeling for service-oriented product lines Proceedings of the 2011th international conference on Models in Software Engineering, (68-82)
- Wong P, Diakov N and Schaefer I Modelling adaptable distributed object oriented systems using the HATS approach Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software, (49-66)
- Falessi D, Cantone G, Kazman R and Kruchten P (2011). Decision-making techniques for software architecture design, ACM Computing Surveys, 43:4, (1-28), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2011.
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- Nakagawa E, Antonino P and Becker M Reference architecture and product line architecture Proceedings of the 5th European conference on Software architecture, (207-211)
- Contieri A, Correia G, Colanzi T, Gimenes I, Oliveira E, Ferrari S, Masiero P and Garcia A Extending UML components to develop software product-line architectures Proceedings of the 5th European conference on Software architecture, (130-138)
- Haber A, Kutz T, Rendel H, Rumpe B and Schaefer I Delta-oriented architectural variability using MontiCore Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Volume, (1-10)
- Abbas N, Andersson J and Weyns D Knowledge evolution in autonomic software product lines Proceedings of the 15th International Software Product Line Conference, Volume 2, (1-8)
- Gomaa H and Hashimoto K Dynamic software adaptation for service-oriented product lines Proceedings of the 15th International Software Product Line Conference, Volume 2, (1-8)
- Nakagawa E, Antonino P and Becker M Exploring the use of reference architectures in the development of product line artifacts Proceedings of the 15th International Software Product Line Conference, Volume 2, (1-8)
- Pleuss A, Rabiser R and Botterweck G Visualization techniques for application in interactive product configuration Proceedings of the 15th International Software Product Line Conference, Volume 2, (1-8)
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- Alférez M, Lopez-Herrejon R, Moreira A, Amaral V and Egyed A Supporting consistency checking between features and software product line use scenarios Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Top productivity through software reuse, (20-35)
- Belategi L, Sagardui G and Etxeberria L Model based analysis process for embedded software product lines Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Software and Systems Process, (53-62)
- Fant J Building domain specific software architectures from software architectural design patterns Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, (1152-1154)
- Simidchieva B and Osterweil L Characterizing process variation (NIER track) Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, (836-839)
- Krishnan S, Lutz R and Goševa-Popstojanova K Empirical evaluation of reliability improvement in an evolving software product line Proceedings of the 8th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, (103-112)
- Varela P, Araújo J, Brito I and Moreira A Aspect-oriented analysis for software product lines requirements engineering Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (667-674)
- Rabiser R, O'Leary P and Richardson I (2011). Key activities for product derivation in software product lines, Journal of Systems and Software, 84:2, (285-300), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2011.
- Schmid K, Rabiser R and Grünbacher P A comparison of decision modeling approaches in product lines Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Variability Modeling of Software-Intensive Systems, (119-126)
- Mazo R, Grünbacher P, Heider W, Rabiser R, Salinesi C and Diaz D Using constraint programming to verify DOPLER variability models Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Variability Modeling of Software-Intensive Systems, (97-103)
- Istoan P, Biri N and Klein J Issues in model-driven behavioural product derivation Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Variability Modeling of Software-Intensive Systems, (69-78)
- Holl G, Vierhauser M, Heider W, Grünbacher P and Rabiser R Product line bundles for tool support in multi product lines Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Variability Modeling of Software-Intensive Systems, (21-27)
- Clarke D, Muschevici R, Proença J, Schaefer I and Schlatte R Variability modelling in the ABS language Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Formal Methods for Components and Objects, (204-224)
- Schaefer I, Gurov D and Soleimanifard S Compositional algorithmic verification of software product lines Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Formal Methods for Components and Objects, (184-203)
- Elkhodary A A learning-based approach for engineering feature-oriented self-adaptive software systems Proceedings of the eighteenth ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, (345-348)
- Elkhodary A, Esfahani N and Malek S FUSION Proceedings of the eighteenth ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, (7-16)
- Zaid L, Kleinermann F and De Troyer O Feature assembly Proceedings of the 29th international conference on Conceptual modeling, (233-246)
- Caballé S and Xhafa F (2010). CLPL, Journal of Systems and Software, 83:11, (2083-2097), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2010.
- Bošković M, Mussbacher G, Bagheri E, Amyot D, Gašević D and Hatala M Aspect-oriented feature models Proceedings of the 2010 international conference on Models in software engineering, (110-124)
- Azevedo S, Machado R, Bragança A and Ribeiro H Support for variability in use case modeling with refinement Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, (1-8)
- Azevedo S, Machado R, Bragança A and Ribeiro H The UML «extend» relationship as support for software variability Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software product lines: going beyond, (471-475)
- Belategi L, Sagardui G and Etxeberria L MARTE mechanisms to model variability when analyzing embedded software product lines Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software product lines: going beyond, (466-470)
- Hartmann H, Keren M, Matsinger A, Rubin J, Trew T and Yatzkar-Haham T Using MDA for integration of heterogeneous components in software supply chains Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software product lines: going beyond, (361-376)
- Rabiser R, Heider W, Elsner C, Lehofer M, Grünbacher P and Schwanninger C A flexible approach for generating product-specific documents in product lines Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software product lines: going beyond, (47-61)
- Lopez-Herrejon R On the need of safe software product line architectures Proceedings of the 4th European conference on Software architecture, (493-496)
- Simidchieva B and Osterweil L Categorizing and modeling variation in families of systems Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Volume, (316-323)
- Sinnig D and Javahery H Mastering use cases Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems, (373-374)
- Lopez-Herrejon R and Egyed A Detecting inconsistencies in multi-view models with variability Proceedings of the 6th European conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, (217-232)
- Gomaa H, Hashimoto K, Kim M, Malek S and Menascé D Software adaptation patterns for service-oriented architectures Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (462-469)
- Catal C (2009). Barriers to the adoption of software product line engineering, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 34:6, (1-4), Online publication date: 3-Dec-2009.
- António S, Araújo J and Silva C Adapting the i* Framework for Software Product Lines Proceedings of the ER 2009 Workshops (CoMoL, ETheCoM, FP-UML, MOST-ONISW, QoIS, RIGiM, SeCoGIS) on Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Challenging Perspectives, (286-295)
- Asadi M, Mohabbati B, Kaviani N, Gašević D, Bošković M and Hatala M Model-driven development of families of Service-Oriented Architectures Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development, (95-102)
- Gadelha B, Nunes I, Fuks H and De Lucena C An approach for developing groupware product lines based on the 3C collaboration model Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Groupware: design, implementation, and use, (328-343)
- Kim H and Yoo J An efficient design pattern algorithm for the environmental and hydrologic/hydraulic ubiquitous model developments Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Hybrid Information Technology, (155-158)
- Fernandez-Amoros D, Gil R and Somolinos J Inferring information from feature diagrams to product line economic models Proceedings of the 13th International Software Product Line Conference, (41-50)
- Nguyen Q Non-functional requirements analysis modeling for software product lines Proceedings of the 2009 ICSE Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering, (56-61)
- Nunes I, de Lucena C, Kulesza U and Nunes C On the development of multi-agent systems product lines Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Agent-oriented software engineering, (125-139)
- Nunes I, Kulesza U, Nunes C and Lucena C A domain engineering process for developing multi-agent systems product lines Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems - Volume 2, (1339-1340)
- Nunes I, Kulesza U, Nunes C, Cirilo E and Lucena C Extending PASSI to model multi-agent systems product lines Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, (729-730)
- Gomaa H and Shin M Separating application and security concerns in use case models Proceedings of the 15th workshop on Early aspects, (1-6)
- Bubak O and Gomaa H (2008). Applying software product line concepts in service orientation, International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2:4, (383-396), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2008.
- Han T, Purao S and Storey V (2008). Generating large-scale repositories of reusable artifacts for conceptual design of information systems, Decision Support Systems, 45:4, (665-680), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2008.
- Batory D Using modern mathematics as an FOSD modeling language Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Generative programming and component engineering, (35-44)
- Tawhid R and Petriu D Towards automatic derivation of a product performance model from a UML software product line model Proceedings of the 7th international workshop on Software and performance, (91-102)
- Zhao J and Poulin J Appendix Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Software Reuse: High Confidence Software Reuse in Large Systems, (390-399)
- Gomaa H and Olimpiew E Managing Variability in Reusable Requirement Models for Software Product Lines Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Software Reuse: High Confidence Software Reuse in Large Systems, (182-185)
- Anthonysamy P and Somé S Aspect-oriented use case modeling for software product lines Proceedings of the 2008 AOSD workshop on Early aspects, (1-8)
- de Camargo V and Masiero P An approach to design crosscutting framework families Proceedings of the 2008 AOSD workshop on Aspects, components, and patterns for infrastructure software, (1-6)
- Arimoto M, Cagnin M and de Camargo V Version control in crosscutting framework-based development Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (753-758)
- Botterweck G, O'Brien L and Thiel S Model-driven derivation of product architectures Proceedings of the twenty-second IEEE/ACM international conference on Automated software engineering, (469-472)
- Jayaraman P, Whittle J, Elkhodary A and Gomaa H Model composition in product lines and feature interaction detection using critical pair analysis Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, (151-165)
- Menascé D, Ruan H and Gomaa H (2007). QoS management in service-oriented architectures, Performance Evaluation, 64:7-8, (646-663), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2007.
- Canal C, Murillo J and Poizat P Practical approaches for software adaptation Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Object-oriented technology, (154-165)
- Djebbi O and Salinesi C RED-PL, a method for deriving product requirements from a product line requirements model Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Advanced information systems engineering, (279-293)
- Nejati S, Sabetzadeh M, Chechik M, Easterbrook S and Zave P Matching and Merging of Statecharts Specifications Proceedings of the 29th international conference on Software Engineering, (54-64)
- Gomaa H and Hussein M Model-Based Software Design and Adaptation Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems
- Metzger A and Pohl K Variability Management in Software Product Line Engineering Companion to the proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering, (186-187)
- Liu J Handling Safety-Related Feature Interaction in Safety-Critical Product Lines Companion to the proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering, (85-86)
- Moon M and Yeom K Product line architecture for RFID-enabled applications Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Business information systems, (638-651)
- Noda A, Nakanishi T, Kitasuka T and Fukuda A Introducing fault tree analysis into product line software engineering for exception handling feature exploitation Proceedings of the 25th conference on IASTED International Multi-Conference: Software Engineering, (229-234)
- Thurimella A Rationale-based variability management in product line requirements engineering Proceedings of the 25th conference on IASTED International Multi-Conference: Software Engineering, (210-215)
- Schobbens P, Heymans P, Trigaux J and Bontemps Y (2007). Generic semantics of feature diagrams, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 51:2, (456-479), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2007.
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- Eriksson M, Börstler J and Borg K (2006). Software product line modeling made practical, Communications of the ACM, 49:12, (49-54), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2006.
- Sugumaran V, Park S and Kang K (2006). Introduction, Communications of the ACM, 49:12, (28-32), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2006.
- Ayala C and Franch X Domain analysis for supporting commercial off-the-shelf components selection Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Conceptual Modeling, (354-370)
- Lopez-Herrejon R and Batory D Modeling features in aspect-based product lines with use case slices Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Models in software engineering, (6-16)
- Gomaa H A software modeling odyssey Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, (1-15)
- Cohen M, Dwyer M and Shi J Coverage and adequacy in software product line testing Proceedings of the ISSTA 2006 workshop on Role of software architecture for testing and analysis, (53-63)
- Schulz-Hofen J and Golega S Generating web applications from process models Workshop proceedings of the sixth international conference on Web engineering, (6-es)
- Chang S, Kim S and Rhew S A variability-centric approach to instantiating core assets in product line engineering Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, (334-347)
- Moon M, Chae H and Yeom K A metamodel approach to architecture variability in a product line Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Reuse of Off-the-Shelf Components, (115-126)
- Gomaa H and Saleh M Feature driven dynamic customization of software product lines Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Reuse of Off-the-Shelf Components, (58-72)
- Schnieders A Modeling and implementing variability in state machine based process family architectures for automotive systems Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Software engineering for automotive systems, (37-44)
- Zhang W and Kunz T A product line enhanced unified process Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Software Process Simulation and Modeling, (142-149)
- Moon M and Yeom K An approach to developing domain architectures based on variability analysis Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - Volume Part II, (441-450)
- Eriksson M, Morast H, Börstler J and Borg K The PLUSS toolkit? Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, (300-304)
- de Oliveira E, Gimenes I, Huzita E and Maldonado J A variability management process for software product lines Proceedings of the 2005 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative research, (225-241)
- Walsh D, Bordeleau F and Selic B A domain model for dynamic system reconfiguration Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, (553-567)
- Min H and Kim S A technique to represent product line core assets in MDA/PIM for automation Proceedings of the Second international conference on Rapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques, (66-80)
- Caporuscio M, Muccini H, Pelliccione P and Di Nisio E Rapid system development via product line architecture implementation Proceedings of the Second international conference on Rapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques, (18-33)
- Doswell J It's virtually pedagogical ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Educators program, (25-es)
- Olimpiew E and Gomaa H (2005). Model-based testing for applications derived from software product lines, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 30:4, (1-7), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
- Saleh M and Gomaa H (2005). Separation of concerns in software product line engineering, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 30:4, (1-5), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
- Frakes W and Kang K (2005). Software Reuse Research, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 31:7, (529-536), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
- Olimpiew E and Gomaa H Model-based testing for applications derived from software product lines Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Advances in model-based testing, (1-7)
- Saleh M and Gomaa H Separation of concerns in software product line engineering Proceedings of the 2005 workshop on Modeling and analysis of concerns in software, (1-5)
- Khoshnevis S and Shams F Linear Evolution of Domain Architecture in Service-Oriented Software Product Lines Fundamentals of Software Engineering, (275-291)
Index Terms
- Designing Software Product Lines with UML: From Use Cases to Pattern-Based Software Architectures
Designing software product lines with UML 2.0: from use cases to pattern-based software architectures
ICSR'06: Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Reuse of Off-the-Shelf ComponentsA software product line consists of a family of software systems that have some common functionality and some variable functionality. An important part of developing a software product line is commonality/variability analysis, during which the common ...
Delta-oriented multi software product lines
SPLC '14: Proceedings of the 18th International Software Product Line Conference - Volume 1Modern software systems outgrow the scope of traditional software product lines (SPLs) resulting in multi software product lines (MSPLs) with many interconnected subsystem versions and variants. Delta-oriented programming (DOP) is a flexible, modular ...
SMartyModeling: an Environment for Engineering UML-based Software Product Lines
VaMoS '21: Proceedings of the 15th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive SystemsSoftware Product Line (SPL) has been successfully consolidated as an approach for systematic reuse. The adoption of the SPL approach aims at increasing the reuse of requirements and artifacts, thus reusing documents, source code and artifacts and ...