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Detection of breast cancer by deep belief network with improved activation function

Published: 01 September 2024 Publication History


Breast cancer is the most prevalent kind of tumor to occur in females and the primary cause of death for women. Early detection is perhaps the most successful strategy to minimize breast cancer mortality. Early diagnosis necessitates a consistent and efficient diagnostics method that allows doctors to differentiate benign from malignant breast cancers without a surgical sample. The goal of this endeavor is to develop a sophisticated breast cancer diagnosis method. The primary goal of the paper is to reduce the death rate among women by promoting early detection of breast cancer. First, pre‐processing techniques such as median filtering and contrast limiting adaptive histogram equalization are used to the obtained raw images. By doing this, the machine‐learning model's computational complexity is decreased and the image quality is enhanced. K‐means clustering is used to segregate the pre‐processed image. Additionally, features including the enhanced local vector pattern, grey‐level co‐occurrence matrix and local vector patterns are produced in the course of the feature extraction stage. Finally, an optimized deep belief network (DBN) is carrying out the classification process. To boosts the classification accuracy, activation function of DBN (tanh, softmax, ReLu) as well as its weight function is optimized by the proposed grey wolf updated whale optimization algorithm The accuracy of the greywolf updated whale optimization algorithm+DBN is above 93% for datasets 1 and 2 when compared to extant models. Finally, calculation of the performance validates the proposed model's performance.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing  Volume 38, Issue 9
September 2024
320 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 September 2024

Author Tags

  1. benign
  2. breast cancer
  3. DBN
  4. early detection
  5. GUWO
  6. malignant
  7. proposed local vector pattern (PLVP)


  • Research-article


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