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Reducing 0s bias in video moment retrieval with a circular competence-based captioner

Published: 01 March 2023 Publication History


The current study addresses the problem of retrieving a specific moment from an untrimmed video by a sentence query. Existing methods have achieved high performance by designing various structures to match visual-text relations. Yet, these methods tend to return an interval starting from 0s, which we named “0s bias”. In this paper, we propose a Circular Co-Teaching (CCT) mechanism using a captioner to improve an existing retrieval model (localizer) from two aspects: biased annotations and easy samples. Correspondingly, CCT contains two processes: (1) Pseudo Query Generation (captioner to localizer), aiming at transferring the knowledge from generated queries to the localizer to balance annotations; (2) Competence-based Curriculum Learning (localizer to captioner), training the captioner in an easy-to-hard fashion guided by localization results, making pairs of the false-positive moment and pseudo query become easy samples for the localizer. Extensive experiments show that our CCT can alleviate “0s bias” with even 4% improvement for existing approaches on average in two public datasets (ActivityNet-Captions, and Charades-STA), in terms of R@1,IoU=0.7. Notably, our method also outperforms baselines in an out-of-distribution scenario. We also quantitatively validate CCT’s ability to cope with “0s bias” by a proposed metric, DM. Our study not only theoretically contributes to detecting “0s bias”, but also provides a highly effective tool for video moment retrieval by alleviating such bias.


We, for the first time, detect and alleviate the “0s bias” in video moment retrieval.
We detect “0s bias” tending to estimate a moment starting from 0s, not the right one.
We alleviate “0s bias” by Circular Co-Teaching of a localizer and a captioner.
Our model improves the existing methods with little extra training cost as a plug-in.
We generate pseudo queries matching the false-positive moments starting from 0s.


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  1. Reducing 0s bias in video moment retrieval with a circular competence-based captioner
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          cover image Information Processing and Management: an International Journal
          Information Processing and Management: an International Journal  Volume 60, Issue 2
          Mar 2023
          1443 pages


          Pergamon Press, Inc.

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 March 2023

          Author Tags

          1. Video moment retrieval
          2. Competence-based captioner
          3. Circular Co-Teaching
          4. 0s bias


          • Research-article


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          • (2024)Unsupervised Video Moment Retrieval with Knowledge-Based Pseudo-Supervision ConstructionACM Transactions on Information Systems10.1145/370122943:1(1-26)Online publication date: 19-Oct-2024
          • (2024)Routing Evidence for Unseen Actions in Video Moment RetrievalProceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining10.1145/3637528.3671693(3024-3035)Online publication date: 25-Aug-2024
          • (2023)Self-Supervised Graph Convolution for Video Moment RetrievalArtificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 202310.1007/978-3-031-44204-9_34(407-419)Online publication date: 26-Sep-2023

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