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Proclets in healthcare

Published: 01 August 2010 Publication History


Healthcare processes can be characterized as weakly-connected interacting light-weight workflows coping with different levels of granularity. Classical workflow notations fall short in supporting these kind of processes. Although these notations are able to describe the life-cycle of individual cases and allow for hierarchical decomposition, they primarily support monolithic processes. However, they are less suitable for healthcare processes. The Proclets framework is one formalism that provides a solution to this problem. Based on a large case study, describing the diagnostic process of the gynecological oncology care process at the Academic Medical Center (AMC), we identify the limitations of ''monolithic workflows''. Moreover, by using the same case study, we investigate whether healthcare processes can be described effectively using Proclets. In this way, we provide a comparison between the Proclet framework and existing workflow languages and identify research challenges.


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