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Distantly-Supervised Long-Tailed Relation Extraction Using Constraint Graphs

Published: 01 July 2023 Publication History


Label noise and long-tailed distributions are two major challenges in distantly supervised relation extraction. Recent studies have shown great progress on denoising, but paid little attention to the problem of long-tailed relations. In this paper, we introduce a constraint graph to model the dependencies between relation labels. On top of that, we further propose a novel constraint graph-based relation extraction framework(CGRE) to handle the two challenges simultaneously. CGRE employs graph convolution networks to propagate information from data-rich relation nodes to data-poor relation nodes, and thus boosts the representation learning of long-tailed relations. To further improve the noise immunity, a constraint-aware attention module is designed in CGRE to integrate the constraint information. Extensive experimental results indicate that CGRE achieves significant improvements over the previous methods for both denoising and long-tailed relation extraction.


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IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  Volume 35, Issue 7
July 2023
1090 pages


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Published: 01 July 2023


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