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View all- Baldacci BManziuk IMastrolia TRosenbaum M(2023)Market Making and Incentives Design in the Presence of a Dark PoolOperations Research10.1287/opre.2022.240671:2(727-749)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2023
Motivated by the rise of online auctions and their relative lack of security, this paper analyzes two forms of cheating in sealed-bid auctions. The first type of cheating we consider occurs when the seller examines the bids of a second-price auction ...
In the nonzero-sum setting, we establish a connection between Nash equilibria in games of optimal stopping (Dynkin games) and generalized Nash equilibrium problems. In the Dynkin game this reveals novel equilibria with complex structures which have not ...
Auction sellers can use a reserve price to require a minimum bid before items are sold. Theoretical and experimental research has tested the influence of a reserve price in an independent private values auction, but little focus has been given to the ...
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