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Recovering traceability links in software artifact management systems using information retrieval methods

Published: 01 September 2007 Publication History


The main drawback of existing software artifact management systems is the lack of automatic or semi-automatic traceability link generation and maintenance. We have improved an artifact management system with a traceability recovery tool based on Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), an information retrieval technique. We have assessed LSI to identify strengths and limitations of using information retrieval techniques for traceability recovery and devised the need for an incremental approach. The method and the tool have been evaluated during the development of seventeen software projects involving about 150 students. We observed that although tools based on information retrieval provide a useful support for the identification of traceability links during software development, they are still far to support a complete semi-automatic recovery of all links. The results of our experience have also shown that such tools can help to identify quality problems in the textual description of traced artifacts.


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ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 16, Issue 4
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 01 September 2007
Published in TOSEM Volume 16, Issue 4


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