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Online reorganization of databases

Published: 30 July 2009 Publication History


In practice, any database management system sometimes needs reorganization, that is, a change in some aspect of the logical and/or physical arrangement of a database. In traditional practice, many types of reorganization have required denying access to a database (taking the database offline) during reorganization. Taking a database offline can be unacceptable for a highly available (24-hour) database, for example, a database serving electronic commerce or armed forces, or for a very large database. A solution is to reorganize online (concurrently with usage of the database, incrementally during users' activities, or interpretively). This article is a tutorial and survey on requirements, issues, and strategies for online reorganization. It analyzes the issues and then presents the strategies, which use the issues. The issues, most of which involve design trade-offs, include use of partitions, the locus of control for the process that reorganizes (a background process or users' activities), reorganization by copying to newly allocated storage (as opposed to reorganizing in place), use of differential files, references to data that has moved, performance, and activation of reorganization. The article surveys online strategies in three categories of reorganization. The first category, maintenance, involves restoring the physical arrangement of data instances without changing the database definition. This category includes restoration of clustering, reorganization of an index, rebalancing of parallel or distributed data, garbage collection for persistent storage, and cleaning (reclamation of space) in a log-structured file system. The second category involves changing the physical database definition; topics include construction of indexes, conversion between B+ -trees and linear hash files, and redefinition (e.g., splitting) of partitions. The third category involves changing the logical database definition. Some examples are changing a column's data type, changing the inheritance hierarchy of object classes, and changing a relationship from one-to-many to many-to-many. The survey encompasses both research and commercial implementations, and this article points out several open research topics. As highly available or very large databases continue to become more common and more important in the world economy, the importance of online reorganization is likely to continue growing.


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  1. Online reorganization of databases



                              Ned Chapin

                              This survey of literature on system maintenance of large databases focuses on databases that are used 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Since such a database is continuously online, system maintenance must also be done online, on the fly, without taking the database out of service, even briefly. This extensive survey relies on a reference list that consists of 373 items. Sockut and Iyer assume that the reader will recognize that a database can be regarded as having a logical structure-how the accessing software views the database-and a physical structure-how the data is represented in the storage media where the database resides, such as a hard disk. They use the term "reorganization" to refer to official intentional changes in one or both of these structures. The authors do not address the effects of malware attacks or recovery from them, and they say little about database management systems (DBMSs). Confusingly, and not in accordance with the relevant International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards, the authors limit their use of the term "maintenance" to corrective maintenance for the restoration of the physical structure of a database that was affected adversely during its normal expected use-reading, replacing, inserting, or deleting data-without affecting the associated logical structure. Yet, the focus of this entire survey paper is online database system maintenance, including corrective maintenance. Based on what Sockut and Iyer regard as issues in online database reorganization, the survey is structured into three categories of reorganization: maintenance (their definition), physical restructuring, and logical restructuring. The summary of each reorganization category is presented in a format that can also be read as a tutorial. The authors are careful to note the effects of different kinds of databases-such as relational and hierarchical-as they report their survey of the literature. They are also alert to side effects, such as slower performance; the possible need for storage garbage collection; the additional storage space required; the use of log files; how up-to-date the database is; the effects on indexes, where relevant; and the kind and amount of general additional overhead created while processing online reorganization and providing the capability for processing online reorganization. Two outstanding features of the survey are: first, its comprehensive scope-the authors cover so much of the scattered literature that readers will be saved weeks of research; and, second, the terse and able summaries of the literature, which draw attention to the growing importance of the online system maintenance of online databases. Overall, this paper is a very worthwhile contribution to software maintenance and evolution literature. Online Computing Reviews Service

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                              ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 41, Issue 3
                              July 2009
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                              Association for Computing Machinery

                              New York, NY, United States

                              Publication History

                              Published: 30 July 2009
                              Accepted: 01 April 2008
                              Revised: 01 July 2000
                              Received: 01 June 1993
                              Published in CSUR Volume 41, Issue 3


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                              Author Tags

                              1. Clustering
                              2. concurrent reorganization
                              3. indexes
                              4. log-structured file systems
                              5. maintenance
                              6. online reorganization
                              7. redefinition
                              8. reorganization
                              9. restructuring
                              10. schema evolution
                              11. very large databases


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