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10.1145/2884781.2884835acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

On the techniques we create, the tools we build, and their misalignments: a study of KLEE

Published: 14 May 2016 Publication History


Our community constantly pushes the state-of-the-art by introducing "new" techniques. These techniques often build on top of, and are compared against, existing systems that realize previously published techniques. The underlying assumption is that existing systems correctly represent the techniques they implement. This paper examines that assumption through a study of KLEE, a popular and well-cited tool in our community. We briefly describe six improvements we made to KLEE, none of which can be considered "new" techniques, that provide order-of-magnitude performance gains. Given these improvements, we then investigate how the results and conclusions of a sample of papers that cite KLEE are affected. Our findings indicate that the strong emphasis on introducing "new" techniques may lead to wasted effort, missed opportunities for progress, an accretion of artifact complexity, and questionable research conclusions (in our study, 27% of the papers that depend on KLEE can be questioned). We conclude by revisiting initiatives that may help to realign the incentives to better support the foundations on which we build.


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Richard John Botting

Software maintenance research seems to gets no respect and it is a minor miracle that the academic publish-or-perish system produced the data in this paper. This data indicates that ignoring maintenance distorts some academic research. The authors took an open-source software tool (the KLEE test generator) and applied half-a-dozen fairly obvious bug fixes and tweaks. The resulting version performed ten times faster! They then looked at the corpus of 100 research papers that mention the tool. None mentioned the researchers' fixes. This does not surprise me because novelty is rewarded more than repair. Next, they tried to see if the published results would be changed if the maintenance was done first. Seventy-four papers referred to KLEE without modifying it. Twelve papers were robust enough to not need replication. In two papers, it was possible to replicate the research using the properly maintained code. Further, in six papers they could approximately duplicate it. This showed that in seven out of these eight cases, the conclusions would have been changed. In other words, doing maintenance before doing a novel change would have been a good idea. The paper makes some recommendations: reward the publication and review of artifacts as well as papers, add special tracks in conferences for maintenance, provide institutional support for maintaining software, and so on. The authors only studied KLEE. I suspect similar results hold elsewhere. It would be good if other groups could replicate the authors' methodology on other published code. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ICSE '16: Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering
May 2016
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Published: 14 May 2016


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