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Fault-Tolerant Parallel Integer Multiplication

Published: 17 June 2024 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Exascale machines have a small mean time between failures, necessitating fault tolerance. Out-of-the-box fault-tolerant solutions, such as checkpoint-restart and replication, apply to any algorithm but incur significant overhead costs. Long integer multiplication is a fundamental kernel in numerical linear algebra and cryptography. The naive, schoolbook multiplication algorithm runs in Θ(n2) while Toom-Cook algorithms runs in Θ(nlogk (2k-1)) for 2 ≤ k. We obtain the first efficient fault-tolerant parallel Toom-Cook algorithm. While asymptotically faster FFT-based algorithms exist, Toom-Cook algorithms are often favored in practice on small scale and on supercomputers. Our algorithm enables fault tolerance with negligible overhead costs. Compared to existing, general-purpose, fault-tolerant solutions, our algorithm reduces the arithmetic and communication (bandwidth) overhead costs by a factor of Θ(P/(2k-1)) (where P is the number of processors). To this end, we adapt the fault-tolerant BFS-DFS method of Birnbaum et al. (2020) for fast matrix multiplication and combine it with a coding strategy tailored for Toom-Cook. This eliminates the need for recomputations, resulting in a much faster algorithm.


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    cover image ACM Conferences
    SPAA '24: Proceedings of the 36th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures
    June 2024
    510 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 17 June 2024

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    1. fault tolerance
    2. i/o complexity
    3. long integer multiplication
    4. parallel computing
    5. toom-cook


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    • Israel Science Foundation
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