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Biomechanical study of plantar pressures during walking in male soccer players with increased vs. normal hip alpha angles

Published: 01 January 2015 Publication History


BACKGROUND: Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is accompanied by increased hip alpha angles, in particular in athletes with high impact sports.OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to investigate the dynamic function of the foot during walking in male soccer players with increased versus normal alpha angles. METHODS: Plantar pressures of 20 injury-free male soccer players were recorded during barefoot walking at 1.6 m/s. Ten subjects had bilaterally increased (>55°) (IA) and ten subjects normal (<50°) hip alpha angles (NA). Both standing and kicking leg were analyzed. RESULTS: Compared to NA, IA showed lower force-time-integrals (-23%; p< 0.01), pressure-time-integrals (-29%; p< 0.001) and relative loads (p< 0.05) under the heel. In IA contact area of the hallux is about 13% (p< 0.05) reduced. In IA relative loads are increased under the lateral midfoot (p< 0.05) and the second toe (p< 0.05). Higher loading of the lateral midfoot is also reflected in the increased force-time integral (+33%; p< 0.001). No differences between legs and no interactions, indicating a specifity in kicking or standing leg, are found. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to NA, soccer players with IA show a forward shifting of the center of pressure which indicates a compensatory mechanism of the foot during walking.


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Published In

cover image Technology and Health Care
Technology and Health Care  Volume 23, Issue 1
January 2015
112 pages


IOS Press


Publication History

Published: 01 January 2015

Author Tags

  1. Increased Hip Alpha Angle
  2. Kicking Leg
  3. Plantar Pressures
  4. Soccer Players
  5. Standing Leg
  6. Walking


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