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10.1145/3548658acmotherbooksBook PagePublication Pageseducational-resourcesacm-pubtype
Usability Testing Plan Template: A flexible tool for planning and teaching usability evaluationMarch 2023
  • Author:
  • Emma Rose
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
Published:06 March 2023
Reflects downloads up to 01 Sep 2024Bibliometrics
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Usability testing is a key research method in human-computer interaction (HCD. When students are designing for others, usability testing is an opportunity to learn how the design is currently working and how it can be improved. This usability testing plan template gives individual students or teams a structure to help plan, conduct, and analyze data from a study. The template walks students through the process of planning a study through a series of questions and planning materials. The template is especially helpful for students new to usability testing and can be adapted and adjusted as needed.

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  • University of Washington, Tacoma
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