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This dissertation studies the training, performance and applications of feed-forward neural networks. A new formulation of the training problem provides a family of Efficient LEarning Algorithms for Neural NEtworks (ELEANNE), which achieve better convergence than the already existing algorithms. This family includes learning algorithms with second-order convergence properties for the training of single-layered neural networks. These algorithms provide the basis for the development of learning algorithms for multi-layered neural networks which achieve better convergence than the Error-Back-Propagation algorithm. A generalized criterion for the training of neural networks is then proposed. According to this criterion, the internal parameters of the network are updated by minimizing an error function which changes during the training of the network. Depending on the optimization strategy used, this generalized criterion results in a variety of fast learning algorithms for neural networks. The performance of various neural network architectures and learning schemes is subsequently studied. Extensive analysis reveals the effect of the training scheme on the capacity and generalization efficiency of single-layered neural networks. In addition, several experiments provide the basis for the performance evaluation of multi-layered neural networks. The architecture, training, and performance of high-order neural networks are subsequently studied. Neural networks with composite key patterns are also proposed as the essential generalization of high-order neural networks. Finally, a general methodology for the development of neural network systems provides successful neural network systems for decision making, classification, prediction, and associative recall.
Index Terms
- Artificial neural networks: learning algorithms, performance evaluation, and applications
Speech recognition with artificial neural networks
In this paper, artificial neural networks were used to accomplish isolated speech recognition. The topic was investigated in two steps, consisting of the pre-processing part with Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques and the post-processing part ...
Artificial Neural Networks for Corporation Credit Rating Analysis
ICNDS '09: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Networking and Digital Society - Volume 01In this study we are trying with the neural network model to make an effective analysis for corporation credit rating. A 12-25-1 three-layer feedforward neural network using the backpropagation and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms has been used in the ...