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Human-computer interaction: toward the year 2000June 1995
  • Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
  • 340 Pine Street, Sixth Floor
  • San Francisco
  • CA
  • United States
Published:01 June 1995
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The psychopathology of everyday things
Pages 5–21
How to design usable systems
Pages 93–121
Tools and techniques for creative design
Pages 128–141
Using video to prototype user interfaces
Pages 142–146
Working with interface metaphors
Pages 147–151
Using video in the BNR usability lab
Pages 182–185
Interdisciplinary cooperation
Pages 304–311
Interacting with computers
Pages 399–400
Bringing icons to life
Pages 444–449
Text-to-speech conversion technology
Pages 539–545
Human error and the search for blame
Pages 684–685
Designing for error
Pages 686–697
Building user-centered on-line help
Pages 718–723
Computers for the disabled
Pages 724–727
Computers, networks and work
Pages 755–761
EAGER: programming repetitive tasks by example
Pages 804–810
The computer for the 21st century
Pages 933–940

Cited By

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    Harr R and Kaptelinin V Unpacking the social dimension of external interruptions Proceedings of the 2007 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, (399-408)
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    da Silva B, Aureliano V and Barbosa S Extreme designing Proceedings of VII Brazilian symposium on Human factors in computing systems, (101-109)
  28. Chorianopoulos K Interactive TV design that blends seamlessly with everyday life Proceedings of the 9th conference on User interfaces for all, (43-57)
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