This paper proposes an approach to the safety verification of the source code of a software-intensive system. This approach centers upon the production of a document intended to ensure the inspectability, maintainability and repeatability of the source code safety verification. This document, called a "safety verification case", is intended to be a part of the overall system safety case. Although the approach was designed for large software-intensive real-time information systems, it may also be useful for other kinds of large software systems with safety-related functionality. The approach involves the construction of a rigorous argument that the source code is safe. The steps of the argument include simplifying the safety verification case structure by isolating the relevant details of the source code, and reducing the "semantic gap" between the source code and the system level hazards through a series of hierarchical refinement steps. Some of the steps in a process based on this approach may be partially automated with tool-based support. Current research and industry practices are reviewed in this paper for supporting tools and techniques.
Modeling and verification of safety-critical systems using safecharts
FORTE'05: Proceedings of the 25th IFIP WG 6.1 international conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed SystemsWith rapid development in science and technology, we now see the ubiquitous use of different types of safety-critical systems in our daily lives such as in avionics, consumer electronics, and medical systems. In such systems, unintentional design faults ...
A Rigorous Framework for Verification & Validation of Dynamic Aspect of Safety Critical System
ICTCS '16: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive StrategiesBeing rich in the graphical notation, Unified Modeling Language (UML) is regarded as a de facto standard for visualizing, constructing and analyzing the software artifacts in both the domain i.e. in industries as well as in academia. Although UML has ...