Cited By
View all- Gamzu ISegev D(2017)A Sublogarithmic Approximation for Tollbooth Pricing on TreesMathematics of Operations Research10.1287/moor.2016.080342:2(377-388)Online publication date: May-2017
We consider the problem of pricing n items to maximize revenue when faced with a series of unknown buyers with complex preferences, and show that a simple pricing scheme achieves surprisingly strong guarantees.
We show that in the unlimited supply ...
We study approximation algorithms for revenue maximization based on static item pricing, where a seller chooses prices for various goods in the market, and then the buyers purchase utility-maximizing bundles at these given prices. We formulate two ...
We consider the item pricing problem for revenue maximization, where a single seller with multiple distinct items caters to multiple buyers with unknown subadditive valuation functions who arrive in a sequence. The seller sets the prices on individual items, ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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