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Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning to Increase Video Accessibility for Visually Impaired and Blind Users

Published: 03 July 2020 Publication History


Video accessibility is crucial for blind and visually impaired individuals for education, employment, and entertainment purposes. However, professional video descriptions are costly and time-consuming. Volunteer-created video descriptions could be a promising alternative, however, they can vary in quality and can be intimidating for novice describers. We developed a Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning (HILML) approach to video description by automating video text generation and scene segmentation and allowing humans to edit the output. The HILML approach facilitates human-machine collaboration to produce high quality video descriptions while keeping a low barrier to entry for volunteer describers. Our HILML system was significantly faster and easier to use for first-time video describers compared to a human-only control condition with no machine learning assistance. The quality of the video descriptions and understanding of the topic created by the HILML system compared to the human-only condition were rated as being significantly higher by blind and visually impaired users.


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      1. blind users
      2. human-in-the-loop
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