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10.1145/3382507.3418826acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesicmi-mlmiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

LASO: Exploiting Locomotive and Acoustic Signatures over the Edge to Annotate IMU Data for Human Activity Recognition

Published: 22 October 2020 Publication History


Annotated IMU sensor data from smart devices and wearables are essential for developing supervised models for fine-grained human activity recognition, albeit generating sufficient annotated data for diverse human activities under different environments is challenging. Existing approaches primarily use human-in-the-loop based techniques, including active learning; however, they are tedious, costly, and time-consuming. Leveraging the availability of acoustic data from embedded microphones over the data collection devices, in this paper, we propose LASO, a multimodal approach for automated data annotation from acoustic and locomotive information. LASO works over the edge device itself, ensuring that only the annotated IMU data is collected, discarding the acoustic data from the device itself, hence preserving the audio-privacy of the user. In the absence of any pre-existing labeling information, such an auto-annotation is challenging as the IMU data needs to be sessionized for different time-scaled activities in a completely unsupervised manner. We use a change-point detection technique while synchronizing the locomotive information from the IMU data with the acoustic data, and then use pre-trained audio-based activity recognition models for labeling the IMU data while handling the acoustic noises. LASO efficiently annotates IMU data, without any explicit human intervention, with a mean accuracy of $0.93$ ($\pm 0.04$) and $0.78$ ($\pm 0.05$) for two different real-life datasets from workshop and kitchen environments, respectively.

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All of us are crazy about machine learning and deep learning these days. However, you need a huge amount of labeled data to train your ML or DL model. Data might be available, but how do you label it? Manual annotation is cumbersome, especially, when dealing with a huge volume of data generated by sensors for human activity detection. In our work, we have developed an automated approach for labeling sensor data using auxiliary modalities. More specifically, by capturing the acoustic signatures, fed to existing pre-trained models to infer human activities. Although this sounds simple, it is challenging in practice. Here comes our novelty. We have used an unsupervised change-point detection technique to achieve precise detection of activities followed by a feedback mechanism to avoid confounding of activities to avoid the generation of multiple labels by the audio. Besides, a PoC implementation of the system shows that the designed framework is able to run on edge-devices as well, thus preserving privacy.


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ICMI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
October 2020
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Published: 22 October 2020


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