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Type Information Utilized Event Detection via Multi-Channel GNNs in Electrical Power Systems

Published: 22 May 2023 Publication History


Event detection in power systems aims to identify triggers and event types, which helps relevant personnel respond to emergencies promptly and facilitates the optimization of power supply strategies. However, the limited length of short electrical record texts causes severe information sparsity, and numerous domain-specific terminologies of power systems makes it difficult to transfer knowledge from language models pre-trained on general-domain texts. Traditional event detection approaches primarily focus on the general domain and ignore these two problems in the power system domain. To address the above issues, we propose a Multi-Channel graph neural network utilizing Type information for Event Detection in power systems, named MC-TED, leveraging a semantic channel and a topological channel to enrich information interaction from short texts. Concretely, the semantic channel refines textual representations with semantic similarity, building the semantic information interaction among potential event-related words. The topological channel generates a relation-type-aware graph modeling word dependencies, and a word-type-aware graph integrating part-of-speech tags. To further reduce errors worsened by professional terminologies in type analysis, a type learning mechanism is designed for updating the representations of both the word type and relation type in the topological channel. In this way, the information sparsity and professional term occurrence problems can be alleviated by enabling interaction between topological and semantic information. Furthermore, to address the lack of labeled data in power systems, we built a Chinese event detection dataset based on electrical Power Event texts, named PoE. In experiments, our model achieves compelling results not only on the PoE dataset, but on general-domain event detection datasets including ACE 2005 and MAVEN.


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    ACM Transactions on the Web  Volume 17, Issue 3
    August 2023
    302 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 22 May 2023
    Online AM: 30 January 2023
    Accepted: 20 October 2022
    Revised: 10 July 2022
    Received: 18 January 2022
    Published in TWEB Volume 17, Issue 3


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    1. Event detection
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    4. topological channel
    5. semantic channel


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