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10.1145/2808797.2808894acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageskddConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Malware Task Identification: A Data Driven Approach

Published: 25 August 2015 Publication History


Identifying the tasks a given piece of malware was designed to perform (e.g. logging keystrokes, recording video, establishing remote access, etc.) is a difficult and time-consuming operation that is largely human-driven in practice. In this paper, we present an automated method to identify malware tasks. Using two different malware collections, we explore various circumstances for each - including cases where the training data differs significantly from test; where the malware being evaluated employs packing to thwart analytical techniques; and conditions with sparse training data. We find that this approach consistently out-performs the current state-of-the art software for malware task identification as well as standard machine learning approaches - often achieving an unbiased F1 score of over 0.9. In the near future, we look to deploy our approach for use by analysts in an operational cyber-security environment.


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  • (2024)Comparison of cognitively-inspired salience and feature importance techniques in intrusion detection datasetsAssurance and Security for AI-enabled Systems10.1117/12.3013842(21)Online publication date: 7-Jun-2024
  • (2020)Searching for Malware Dataset: a Systematic Literature Review2020 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation (ICITSI)10.1109/ICITSI50517.2020.9264929(375-380)Online publication date: 19-Oct-2020
  • (2020)Cognitively-Inspired Inference for Malware Task IdentificationOpen Source Intelligence and Cyber Crime10.1007/978-3-030-41251-7_7(165-194)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2020



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cover image ACM Conferences
ASONAM '15: Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 2015
August 2015
835 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 25 August 2015


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  • (2024)Comparison of cognitively-inspired salience and feature importance techniques in intrusion detection datasetsAssurance and Security for AI-enabled Systems10.1117/12.3013842(21)Online publication date: 7-Jun-2024
  • (2020)Searching for Malware Dataset: a Systematic Literature Review2020 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation (ICITSI)10.1109/ICITSI50517.2020.9264929(375-380)Online publication date: 19-Oct-2020
  • (2020)Cognitively-Inspired Inference for Malware Task IdentificationOpen Source Intelligence and Cyber Crime10.1007/978-3-030-41251-7_7(165-194)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2020

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