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Emoji-Based Sentiment Analysis Using Attention Networks

Published: 01 June 2020 Publication History


Emojis are frequently used to express moods, emotions, and feelings in social media. There has been much research on emojis and sentiments. However, existing methods mainly face two limitations. First, they treat emojis as binary indicator features and rely on handcrafted features for emoji-based sentiment analysis. Second, they consider the sentiment of emojis and texts separately, not fully exploring the impact of emojis on the sentiment polarity of texts. In this article, we investigate a sentiment analysis model based on bidirectional long short-term memory, and the model has two advantages compared with the existing work. First, it does not need feature engineering. Second, it utilizes the attention approach to model the impact of emojis on text. An evaluation on 10,042 manually labeled Sina Weibo showed that our model achieves much better performance compared with several strong baselines. To facilitate the related research, our corpus will be publicly available at https://github.com/yx100/emoji.


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    cover image ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing
    ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing  Volume 19, Issue 5
    September 2020
    278 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Published: 01 June 2020
    Online AM: 07 May 2020
    Accepted: 01 March 2020
    Revised: 01 December 2019
    Received: 01 February 2019
    Published in TALLIP Volume 19, Issue 5


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    1. Sentiment analysis
    2. attention
    3. deep learning
    4. emoji
    5. social media


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    • National Social Science
    • National Natural Science Foundation
    • Science and Technology
    • Natural Science Foundation


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