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10.1145/3546096.3546115acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescsetConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Verification of Cyber Emulation Experiments Through Virtual Machine and Host Metrics

Published: 08 August 2022 Publication History


Virtual machine emulation environments provide ideal testbeds for cybersecurity evaluations because they run real software binaries in a scalable, offline test setting that is suitable for assessing the impacts of software security flaws on the system. Verification of such emulations determines whether the environment is working as intended. Verification can focus on various aspects such as timing realism, traffic realism, and resource realism. In this paper, we study resource realism and issues associated with virtual machine resource utilization. We examine telemetry metrics gathered from a series of structured experiments which involve large numbers of parallel emulations meant to oversubscribe resources at some point. We present an approach to use telemetry metrics for emulation verification, and we demonstrate this approach on two cyber scenarios. Descriptions of the experimental configurations are provided along with a detailed discussion of statistical tests used to compare telemetry metrics. Results demonstrate the potential for a structured experimental framework, combined with statistical analysis of telemetry metrics, to support emulation verification. We conclude with comments on generalizability and potential future work.


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  1. Verification of Cyber Emulation Experiments Through Virtual Machine and Host Metrics



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    CSET '22: Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test
    August 2022
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    Published: 08 August 2022


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    1. cyber experimentation
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