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10.1007/978-3-030-45231-5guideproceedingsBook PagePublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures: 23rd International Conference, FOSSACS 2020, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2020, Dublin, Ireland, April 25–30, 2020, Proceedings
2020 Proceeding
  • Springer-Verlag
  • Berlin, Heidelberg
International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation StructuresDublin, Ireland25 April 2020
25 April 2020

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No abstract available.

Open Access
Front Matter
Pages i–xv
Open Access
Back Matter
Open Access
Neural Flocking: MPC-Based Supervised Learning of Flocking Controllers

We show how a symmetric and fully distributed flocking controller can be synthesized using Deep Learning from a centralized flocking controller. Our approach is based on Supervised Learning, with the centralized controller providing the training ...

Open Access
On Well-Founded and Recursive Coalgebras

This paper studies fundamental questions concerning category-theoretic models of induction and recursion. We are concerned with the relationship between well-founded and recursive coalgebras for an endofunctor. For monomorphism preserving ...

Open Access
Timed Negotiations

Negotiations were introduced in [6] as a model for concurrent systems with multiparty decisions. What is very appealing with negotiations is that it is one of the very few non-trivial concurrent models where several interesting problems, such as ...

Open Access
Cartesian Difference Categories

Cartesian differential categories are categories equipped with a differential combinator which axiomatizes the directional derivative. Important models of Cartesian differential categories include classical differential calculus of smooth ...

Open Access
Contextual Equivalence for Signal Flow Graphs

We extend the signal flow calculus—a compositional account of the classical signal flow graph model of computation—to encompass affine behaviour, and furnish it with a novel operational semantics. The increased expressive power allows us to define ...

Open Access
Parameterized Synthesis for Fragments of First-Order Logic Over Data Words

We study the synthesis problem for systems with a parameterized number of processes. As in the classical case due to Church, the system selects actions depending on the program run so far, with the aim of fulfilling a given specification. The ...

Open Access
Controlling a Random Population

Bertrand et al. introduced a model of parameterised systems, where each agent is represented by a finite state system, and studied the following control problem: for any number of agents, does there exist a controller able to bring all agents to a ...

Open Access
Decomposing Probabilistic Lambda-Calculi

A notion of probabilistic lambda-calculus usually comes with a prescribed reduction strategy, typically call-by-name or call-by-value, as the calculus is non-confluent and these strategies yield different results. This is a break with one of the ...

Open Access
On the k-synchronizability of Systems

We study k-synchronizability: a system is k-synchronizable if any of its executions, up to reordering causally independent actions, can be divided into a succession of k-bounded interaction phases. We show two results (both for mailbox and peer-to-...

Open Access
General Supervised Learning as Change Propagation with Delta Lenses

Delta lenses are an established mathematical framework for modelling and designing bidirectional model transformations (Bx). Following the recent observations by Fong et al, the paper extends the delta lens framework with a a new ingredient: ...

Open Access
Non-idempotent Intersection Types in Logical Form

Intersection types are an essential tool in the analysis of operational and denotational properties of lambda-terms and functional programs. Among them, non-idempotent intersection types provide precise quantitative information about the ...

Open Access
On Computability of Data Word Functions Defined by Transducers

In this paper, we investigate the problem of synthesizing computable functions of infinite words over an infinite alphabet (data ω-words). The notion of computability is defined through Turing machines with infinite inputs which can produce the ...

Open Access
Minimal Coverability Tree Construction Made Complete and Efficient

Downward closures of Petri net reachability sets can be finitely represented by their set of maximal elements called the minimal coverability set or Clover. Many properties (coverability, boundedness, ...) can be decided using Clover, in a time ...

Open Access
Constructing Infinitary Quotient-Inductive Types

This paper introduces an expressive class of quotient-inductive types, called QW-types. We show that in dependent type theory with uniqueness of identity proofs, even the infinitary case of QW-types can be encoded using the combination of ...

Open Access
Relative Full Completeness for Bicategorical Cartesian Closed Structure

The glueing construction, defined as a certain comma category, is an important tool for reasoning about type theories, logics, and programming languages. Here we extend the construction to accommodate ‘2-dimensional theories’ of types, terms ...

Open Access
A Duality Theoretic View on Limits of Finite Structures

A systematic theory of structural limits for finite models has been developed by Nešetřil and Ossona de Mendez. It is based on the insight that the collection of finite structures can be embedded, via a map they call the Stone pairing, in a space ...

Open Access
Correctness of Automatic Differentiation via Diffeologies and Categorical Gluing

We present semantic correctness proofs of Automatic Differentiation (AD). We consider a forward-mode AD method on a higher order language with algebraic data types, and we characterise it as the unique structure preserving macro given a choice of ...

Open Access
Deep Induction: Induction Rules for (Truly) Nested Types

This paper introduces deep induction, and shows that it is the notion of induction most appropriate to nested types and other data types defined over, or mutually recursively with, (other) such types. Standard induction rules induct over only the ...

Open Access
Exponential Automatic Amortized Resource Analysis

Automatic amortized resource analysis (AARA) is a type-based technique for inferring concrete (non-asymptotic) bounds on a program’s resource usage. Existing work on AARA has focused on bounds that are polynomial in the sizes of the inputs. This ...

Open Access
Concurrent Kleene Algebra with Observations: From Hypotheses to Completeness

Concurrent Kleene Algebra (CKA) extends basic Kleene algebra with a parallel composition operator, which enables reasoning about concurrent programs. However, CKA fundamentally misses tests, which are needed to model standard programming ...

Open Access
Graded Algebraic Theories

We provide graded extensions of algebraic theories and Lawvere theories that correspond to graded monads. We prove that graded algebraic theories, graded Lawvere theories, and finitary graded monads are equivalent via equivalence of categories, ...

Open Access
A Curry-style Semantics of Interaction: From Untyped to Second-Order Lazy λμ-Calculus

We propose a “Curry-style” semantics of programs in which a nominal labelled transition system of types, characterizing observable behaviour, is overlaid on a nominal LTS of untyped computation. This leads to a notion of program equivalence as ...

Open Access
An Axiomatic Approach to Reversible Computation

Undoing computations of a concurrent system is beneficial in many situations, e.g., in reversible debugging of multi-threaded programs and in recovery from errors due to optimistic execution in parallel discrete event simulation. A number of ...

Open Access
An Auxiliary Logic on Trees: on the Tower-Hardness of Logics Featuring Reachability and Submodel Reasoning

We describe a set of simple features that are sufficient in order to make the satisfiability problem of logics interpreted on trees Tower-hard. We exhibit these features through an Auxiliary Logic on Trees (ALT), a modal logic that essentially ...

Open Access
The Inconsistent Labelling Problem of Stutter-Preserving Partial-Order Reduction

In model checking, partial-order reduction (POR) is an effective technique to reduce the size of the state space. Stubborn sets are an established variant of POR and have seen many applications over the past 31 years. One of the early works on ...

Open Access
Semantical Analysis of Contextual Types

We describe a category-theoretic semantics for a simply typed variant of Cocon, a contextual modal type theory where the box modality mediates between the weak function space that is used to represent higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS) trees and ...

Open Access
Ambiguity, Weakness, and Regularity in Probabilistic Büchi Automata

Probabilistic Büchi automata are a natural generalization of PFA to infinite words, but have been studied in-depth only rather recently and many interesting questions are still open. PBA are known to accept, in general, a class of languages that ...

Open Access
Local Local Reasoning: A BI-Hyperdoctrine for Full Ground Store

Modelling and reasoning about dynamic memory allocation is one of the well-established strands of theoretical computer science, which is particularly well-known as a source of notorious challenges in semantics, reasoning, and proof theory. We ...

  • Paris-Saclay Normal School
  • University of Duisburg-Essen
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