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Proceeding Downloads
Performance analysis based upon complete profiles
A system for engineering and verifying component-based software must include mechanisms for specifying abstractly not only the complete functionality of components but their exact performance as well. This paper introduces profiles as a first-class ...
Performance modeling of a JavaEE component application using layered queuing networks: revised approach and a case study
Nowadays component technologies are an integral part of any enterprise production environment. Performance and scalability are among the key properties of such systems. Using Layered Queuing Networks (LQN), one can predict the performance of a component ...
Soundness and completeness warnings in ESC/Java2
Usability is a key concern in the development of verification tools. In this paper, we present an usability extension for the verification tool ESC/Java2. This enhancement is not achieved through extensions to the underlying logic or calculi of ESC/...
Early detection of JML specification errors using ESC/Java2
The earlier errors are found, the less costly they are to fix. This also holds true of errors in specifications. While research into Static Program Verification (SPV) in general, and Extended Static Checking (ESC) in particular, has made great strides ...
Experiments in the use of τ-simulations for the components-verification of real-time systems
We present a verification framework exploiting τ-simulations as a way to preserve local linear properties checked on the components of real-time systems. Therefore, we consider a component-based modeling of real-time systems. Their properties are ...
JML-based verification of liveness properties on a class in isolation
This paper proposes a way to verify temporal properties of a Java class in an extension of JML (Java Modeling Language) called JTPL (Java Temporal Pattern Language). We particularly address the verification of liveness properties by automatically ...
Using resemblance to support component reuse and evolution
The aim of a component-based approach to software is to allow the construction of a system by reusing and connecting together a number of existing components. To successfully reuse a component, alterations generally need to be made to it, particularly ...
Simplifying reasoning about objects with Tako
A fundamental complexity in understanding and reasoning about object-oriented languages is the need for programmers to view variables as references to objects rather than directly as objects. The need arises because a simplified view of variables as (...
VC generation for functional behavior and non-interference of iterators
We propose a formalism for the full functional specification of enumerator methods, which are C# methods that return objects of type IEnumerable<T> or IEnumerator<T>. We further propose a sound modular automatic verification approach for enumerator ...
Specifying java iterators with JML and Esc/Java2
The 2006 SAVCBS Workshop has posed a Challenge Problem on the topic of specifying iterators. This note provides a specification in the Java Modeling Language (JML) [1, 2] for the Java interfaces Iterator and Iterable that captures the interactions ...
SAVCBS 2006 challenge: specification of iterators
A method for formal specification of iterators, which can be used to verify both clients and implementations, is illustrated with a Set abstraction as the underlying collection.
Iterator specification with typestates
Java iterators are notoriously hard to specify. This paper applies a general typestate specification technique that supports several forms of aliasing to the iterator problem. The presented specification conservatively captures iterator protocols and ...
Reasoning about iterators with separation logic
Separation logic is an extension of Hoare logic which permits reasoning about imperative programs that use shared mutable heap structure. In this note, we show how to use higher-order separation logic to reason abstractly about an iterator protocol.
Automatic data environment construction for static device drivers analysis
Linux contains thousands of device drivers that are developed independently by many developers. Though each individual driver source code is relatively small---≈10k lines of code---the whole operating system contains a few million lines of code. ...
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
SAVCBS '07 | 17 | 8 | 47% |
SAVCBS '06 | 14 | 14 | 100% |
SAVCBS '05 | 15 | 15 | 100% |
Overall | 46 | 37 | 80% |