The aim of this one-day workshop is to bring together researchers who are interested in optimizing database performance on modern computing infrastructure by designing new data management techniques and tools.
Pipelined hash-join on multithreaded architectures
Multi-core and multithreaded processors present both opportunities and challenges in the design of database query processing algorithms. Previous work has shown the potential for performance gains, but also that, in adverse circumstances, multithreading ...
Parallel buffers for chip multiprocessors
Chip multiprocessors (CMPs) present new opportunities for improving database performance on large queries. Because CMPs often share execution, cache, or bandwidth resources among many hardware threads, implementing parallel database operators that ...
A general framework for improving query processing performance on multi-level memory hierarchies
We propose a general framework for improving the query processing performance on multi-level memory hierarchies. Our motivation is that (1) the memory hierarchy is an important performance factor for query processing, (2) both the memory hierarchy and ...
Vectorized data processing on the cell broadband engine
In this work, we research the suitability of the Cell Broadband Engine for database processing. We start by outlining the main architectural features of Cell and use micro-benchmarks to characterize the latency and throughput of its memory ...
In-memory grid files on graphics processors
Recently, graphics processing units, or GPUs, have become a viable alternative as commodity, parallel hardware for general-purpose computing, due to their massive data-parallelism, high memory bandwidth, and improved general-purpose programming ...
The five-minute rule twenty years later, and how flash memory changes the rules
In 1987, Gray and Putzolo presented the five-minute rule, which was reviewed and renewed ten years later in 1997. With the advent of flash memory in the gap between traditional RAM main memory and traditional disk systems, the five-minute rule now ...
Architectural characterization of XQuery workloads on modern processors
As XQuery rapidly emerges as the standard for querying XML documents, it is very important to understand the architectural characteristics and behaviors of such workloads. A lot of efforts are focused on the implementation, optimization, and evaluation ...