This volume contains the papers presented at the I960 Eastern Joint Computer Conference (the eighteenth Joint Computer Conference). In order to make the Proceedings available at the conference these pages were reproduced directly from the authors' manuscripts by photo offset.
The papers which are presented here were selected from among 130 that were submitted. On the basis of 1,000-word summaries Elmer Kubie and his Program Committee selected those which seemed of exceptional significance, originality, timeliness and interest.
Proceeding Downloads
A logical machine for measuring problem solving ability
The magnitude of costs incurred by assigning unsuccessful or even marginal personnel to tasks involving EDP systems design and programming justifies a much greater effort in the selection of personnel than the use of conventional aptitude tests implies. ...
A method of voice communication with a digital computer
A pattern recognition procedure for achieving automatic identification of spoken words has been developed and instrumented using an eighteen channel vocoder and a general purpose medium scale computer, the AFCRL Cambridge Computer. The process depends ...
FILTER: a topological pattern separation computer program
The advent of high energy particle accelerators and liquid bubble chamber detectors has added the demands of high speed data reduction to the many problems of modern nuclear physics research. For example, one six-month experiment on the University of ...
Redundancy exploitation in the computer solution of double-crostics
Double-Crostics, as I suspect many of you know, constitute a species of habit-forming puzzles. There are two varieties of these brainteasers --- those that appear weekly in the Saturday Review and every two weeks in the Magazine Section of the New York ...
A computer for weather data acquisition
A need for improved reporting of weather data has been brought about by the requirements of modern, high-performance aircraft, together with the advent of high-speed computers for use in weather forecasting. Manual methods of recording meteorological ...
A survey of digital methods for radar data processing
This paper reviews the growing number of declassified techniques for automatic processing of radar data by digital means. Emphasis is placed upon signal time-sampling and quantization, integration methods, rejection of stationary targets, radar trigger ...
Organization and program of the BMEWS checkout data processor
The Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) Checkout Data Processor (CDP) is probably the first medium-size digital processor to perform the real-time, on-line checkout of an entire operational radar detection and processing system. This paper is ...
High-speed data transmission systems
For many years data and messages have been transmitted from point to point over slow speed data communication systems by telegraph. There is a rapidly growing increase in the use of centralized data processing equipment in large corporations however, ...
Parallel computing with vertical data
A novel technique called Vertical Data Processing (VDP) for the manipulation of data in digital computers is presented. Multiple data are processed simultaneously one bit at a time using Boolean operations. Many classes of problems appear adaptable to ...
TABSOL: a fundamental concept for systems-oriented languages
Lack of efficient methods for thinking -through and recording the logic of complex information systems has been a major obstacle to the effective use of computers in manufacturing businesses. To supply this need, this paper introduces and describes "...
Theory of files
The theory of files is a tool for the logico-mathematical treatment of automatic non-numerical data processing problems, such as machine accounting, information retrieval and mechanical translation of languages. The main result which has been obtained ...
Polyphase merge sorting: an advanced technique
Designers of generalized library sort packages for the current and future generations of computers are faced with the challenge of developing new techniques that provide more effective use of these computers. The major concern in developing efficient ...
The use of a binary computer for data processing
Considerable discussion has been generated concerning the use of binary computers for purely data processing functions rather than decimally oriented machines. The purpose of this paper is to present a case for the use of binary machines for data ...
High speed printer and plotter
The Model 1063 High Speed Printer and Plotter is a magnetic tape fed device for high speed plotting up to 6000 points per second in ten simultaneous plots, at the same time it prints annotations for grid lines and draws the grid lines, all with the ...
A description of the IBM 7074 system
A new data processing system, the IBM 7070, was described at the 1958 Eastern Joint Computer Conference. Recent progress has resulted in the creation of an expanded family of 7070 systems, exemplified by the announcement of the IBM 7074 system.
The 7074 ...
The RCA 601 system design
One of the differences found among computer systems is whether emphasis is on word orientation or on character orientation. Pertinent design considerations not only include memory depth, but also capability for handling symbol-controlled operations and ...
Associative self-sorting memory
A cryogenic associative memory is proposed in which the status of a memory word is determined, with respect to an interrogating word, on a high, low or equal basis. Thus the bracketing pair of words is determined, allowing the interrogating word to be ...
UNIVAC® - RANDEX II: random access data storage system
A random access drum file, having 198.6 million bits total storage capacity, a bit density of 650 pulses per inch, and 385 milliseconds average data access time, is described in this paper.
Two flying-magnetic-recording-heads transfer data to and from ...
Data processing techniques in design automation
By providing a computer with basic information concerning the design of a device as complex as the modern computer one not only obtains an efficient record retention system but also brings to bear the full decision making abilities of the computer on ...
Impact of automation on digital computer design
A digital computer logician's job may be defined as a two-fold task. First, he must generate abstract ideas on the organization of a proposed computer to handle a particular type of problem, and second he must convert these abstract ideas into data that ...
Calculated waveforms for the tunnel diode locked-pair circuit
The purpose of this paper is to present an introductory analysis of the tunnel diode locked-pair circuit. The characteristics of the tunnel diode, together with the simplicity of the locked-pair circuit, make it a major contender for use as a high-speed ...
On iterative factorization in network analysis by digital computer
The need to determine the sum of all tree admittance products occurs in almost all applications of topological network theory. This paper describes a method of obtaining this sum through an iterative factorization of the sum of tree admittance products ...
A computer controlled dynamic servo test system
Recent years have seen an increasing number of successful applications of digital computers to a real-time control in industry. These applications generally concern the monitoring and control of a large number of relatively slowly varying parameters of ...
Hot-wire anemometer paper tape reader
The Hot-Wire Anemometer Paper Tape Reader was conceived as a relatively simple apparatus to serve as a high reliability device such as required in peripheral computation equipment. The hot-wire anemometer principle has been employed extensively in the ...
Use of a digital/analog arithmetic unit within a digital computer
A novel approach to arithmetic operations in digital computers is described which combines digital and analog techniques. This is accomplished by using parallel-serial interconnections of digital/analog converters. The interconnections are under stored ...
PB 250 a high-speed serial general purpose computer using magnetostrictive delay line storage
This paper presents the design objective of a general purpose computer which is intended to serve as a component in special purpose systems.
Some of the design considerations applied toward meeting these objectives are also presented. The significance ...
The instruction unit of the stretch computer
The Instruction Unit (I unit) was developed as the largest portion and the major control unit of the large-scale, high-performance Stretch computer. This computer is the central processing unit of the Stretch system contracted for development and ...
The printed motor: a new approach to intermittent and continuous motion devices in data processing equipment
The printed d-c motor is characterized by high pulse torque capability and freedom from cogging or preferred armature positions. These attributes lead to a variety of applications in data processing equipment ranging from reel and capstan drives in ...