These proceedings contain the articles presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Open Data (WOD) held in Paris, France, on June 3, 2013. After last year successful event in the context of the European Open Data Week in Nantes, WOD'2013 was organized by the ETIS laboratory and by the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Cergy-Pontoise, in the context of the thematic cycle <<Open data for cultural heritage information>> and of the Patrima Foundation in collaboration with the Institute of Computer Science of FORTH in Crete. The event was hosted by the National Library of France (Bibliotheque nationale de France - BnF).
The WOD series of workshops aims at fostering computer science research on a broad range of topics concerned within the widely-spread Open Data movement. Open Data are expected to play a catalyst role in the way structured information is exploited in the large scale, and offers a great potential for building innovative products and services that create new value from already collected data and is expected to foster active citizenship, sustainable urban planning and world-wide research according to the "fourth paradigm of science". In particular, Open Data published according to the Linked Data Paradigm transform the Web from a document publishing-only environment into a vibrant information ecosystem where yesterday's passive readers have become active data aggregators and generators themselves on the so-called data Web.
WOD aims to be a premier venue to gather computer science researchers and practitioners who are contributing to and interested in addressing the technology barriers that currently impede progress to create value from Open Data. Hence, it is a unique opportunity to find in a single place up-to-date scientific works on Web-scale Open Data issues that have so far only partially been addressed by different research communities such as Data Management, Data Mining and Knowledge Management, Distributed Systems, Data Privacy, and Data Visualization.
Proceeding Downloads
Publish-time data integration for open data platforms
Platforms for publication and collaborative management of data, such as or Google Fusion Tables, are a new trend on the web. They manage very large corpora of datasets, but often lack an integrated schema, ontology, or even just common ...
On the enrichment of a RDF repository of city points of interest based on social data
Points of interest (POIs) in a city are specific locations that present some significance to people; examples include restaurants, museums, hotels, theatres and landmarks, just to name a few. Due to their role in our social and economic life, POIs have ...
Linked open GeoData management in the cloud
The need to better integrate and link various isolated data sources on the web has been widely recognized and is tackled by the Linked Open Data (LOD) initiative. One of the problems to address is the issue of publishing and subsequently exploiting the ...
Publishing census as linked open data: a case study
In this paper we present a case study on publishing statistical data as Linked Open Data. Statistical or fact-based data are maintained by statistical agencies and organizations, harvested via surveys or aggregated from other sources and mainly concern ...
Agronomic taxon
In this paper, we describe the development of the first ontology module for observation of pest attacks in crop production. We applied the NeOn methodology and more particularly the ontology engineering method based on Ontology Design Pattern.
N2R-part: identity link discovery using partially aligned ontologies
Thanks to the initiative of Linked Open Data, the RDF datasets that are published on the Web are more and more numerous. One active research field currently concerns the problem of finding links between entities. We focus in this paper on ontology-based ...
Visualizing a large collection of open datasets: an experiment with proximity graphs
We deal in this paper with the problem of creating an interactive and visual map for a large collection of Open datasets. We first describe how to define a representation space for such data, using text mining techniques to create features. Then, with a ...
The 'intellectual network': linking writers in the project
This paper describes one of the specific functionalities of the library discovery service: the use of semantic Web technologies to create Web pages around "named entities" from the authority files.
Discovering keys in RDF/OWL dataset with KD2R
KD2R allows the automatic discovery of composite key constraints in RDF data sources that conform to a given ontology. We consider data sources for which the Unique Name Assumption is fulfilled. KD2R allows this discovery without having to scan all the ...
WebSmatch: a tool for open data
Working with open data sources can yield high value information but raises major problems in terms of metadata extraction, data source integration and visualization. In this paper we describe a demonstration of WebSmatch, a flexible environment for Web ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Open Data
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
WOD '13 | 13 | 3 | 23% |
Overall | 13 | 3 | 23% |