Welcome to PLDI 2014, the 35th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation; hosted this year in the beautiful city of Edinburgh.
PLDI is the premier research conference on programming languages and their implementation. This year's program includes research papers, keynotes, a Student Research Competition (SRC), two co-located events: ISMM, LCTES, eight workshops: APPROX, ARRAY, DYLA, MSPC, PLOOC, SOAP, TRUST, X10 and seven tutorials: GCC, LIQUID, LLVM, PHARO, POLYGLOT, PROGVER, WEBANA.
Proceeding Downloads
Tracelet-based code search in executables
We address the problem of code search in executables. Given a function in binary form and a large code base, our goal is to statically find similar functions in the code base. Towards this end, we present a novel technique for computing similarity ...
Resugaring: lifting evaluation sequences through syntactic sugar
Syntactic sugar is pervasive in language technology. It is used to shrink the size of a core language; to define domain-specific languages; and even to let programmers extend their language. Unfortunately, syntactic sugar is eliminated by transformation,...
SCCharts: sequentially constructive statecharts for safety-critical applications: HW/SW-synthesis for a conservative extension of synchronous statecharts
- Reinhard von Hanxleden,
- Björn Duderstadt,
- Christian Motika,
- Steven Smyth,
- Michael Mendler,
- Joaquín Aguado,
- Stephen Mercer,
- Owen O'Brien
We present a new visual language, SCCharts, designed for specifying safety-critical reactive systems. SCCharts use a statechart notation and provide determinate concurrency based on a synchronous model of computation (MoC), without restrictions common ...
Fast: a transducer-based language for tree manipulation
Tree automata and tree transducers are used in a wide range of applications in software engineering, from XML processing to language type-checking. While these formalisms are of immense practical use, they can only model finite alphabets, and since many ...