Welcome to Tsukuba! The Second International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2014) is a premier interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary conference that showcases state-of-theart research in human-agent interaction. Work presented here has implications that cross conventional research boundaries including robots, software agents and digitally-mediated humanhuman communication. HAI gathers researchers from fields spanning engineering, computer science, psychology and sociology, and covers diverse topics, including human-robot interaction, affective computing, computer-supported cooperative work, social computing, gaming and serious games, artificial intelligence, and more.
HAI this year has grown well beyond our expectations. Submissions more than doubled from last year, and the call for papers attracted submissions from 16 different countries around the world. Papers, posters, and presentations cover a range of areas, including new ways that people and agents can interact with each other, ways agents can be integrated into other technologies, and novel insights into how people will interact with agents and what their expectations are. We hope that this program will continue to help fuel cross pollination of ideas across fields wherever interactive agents are used.
We are honored this year to have three exciting keynote talks by world leaders in areas related to human-agent interaction:
Ellen Do, Georgia Tech, NUS: Creative Design Computing for Happy Healthy Living
Jane Hsu, National Taiwan University, Crowdsourcing Agents for Smart IoT
Takeo Igarashi, The University of Tokyo: Design Everything by Yourself
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the second international conference on Human-agent interaction