It is our pleasure to host PIKM, the PhD workshop in Information and Knowledge Management, in conjunction with the ACM CIKM 2014 conference in Shanghai, China. PIKM has been a popular event in CIKM since its inception in 2007. This is the 7th time PIKM is being held and has attracted participants from all over the world.
PIKM provides PhD students an opportunity to present their dissertation proposals and / or early doctoral research worldwide and get recognition for their work. It gives them valuable feedback at a relatively early stage from experts in their field in academia and industry. This helps them assess their work with respect to its novelty, technical contributions and real-world applications. Moreover, PIKM also presents a panorama of upcoming doctoral work to established researchers in information and knowledge management. It gives them an idea of the interesting topics that attract fresh doctorates. It could help them tap this potential at an early stage through summer internships, research collaborations and more. Also, in recent PIKM workshops it has been noticed that in addition to the main areas of CIKM, namely, database systems, information retrieval and knowledge management / data mining, there are papers overlapping with other areas. These include computer science fields such as networking and artificial intelligence and other fields such as management information systems, biology and engineering. This multidisciplinary research propels further collaboration and is being highly encouraged by universities and funding agencies.
A significant highlight of PIKM 2014 includes both poster and oral presentations for all accepted papers to increase visibility and interaction. Another distinguished aspect this year is a session of invited talks and papers from PhD graduates and ABD (all but dissertation) candidates to encourage interactions between them and early doctoral students. The peer-reviewed submissions include around 10 papers of which 4 have been accepted as full papers and 2 as short papers. We have a keynote speech by Dr. Iadh Ounis from University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. Dr. Ounis is a Reader in the School of Computing Science and has authored over a 100 publications. His talk would feature research along with useful advice for PhD students.
The PIKM 2014 team includes Program Committee members from 16 countries spanning 6 continents. These comprise a good balance of industry and academia. We thank the reviewers for providing quick and useful feedback to the students amidst their busy schedule of work. In recent years, PIKM has been giving a best reviewer award in order to honor the exceptional contributions of a PC member, analogous to the best paper award that provides recognition to outstanding PhD student research. This year, the best reviewer award goes to Fabian Suchanek from Telecom Paristech, Paris, France. We sincerely applaud him for his time and effort in providing excellent and detailed reviews. The best paper award goes to Arunav Mishra from the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrucken, Germany for his work on "Linking Today's Wikipedia and News from the Past". The awards will be presented as ACM certificates during the PIKM workshop at the CIKM conference.
Proceeding Downloads
Linking Today's Wikipedia and News from the Past
In this paper we propose a novel task of automatically linking Wikipedia excerpts describing events to past news articles. Constantly evolving Wikipedia articles tend to summarize past events by abstracting fine-grained details that mattered when the ...
Towards Robust & Reusable Evaluation for Novelty & Diversity
Existing IR measures for offline evaluation directly bring in the labels into computation, where the labels are on the entire documents. This direct dependency makes the measure highly reliant on the completeness of the labels, consequently the measure ...
Supporting Exploratory Search Through Interaction Modeling
With the explosive growth of information available in the Web, locating needed and relevant information remains a difficult task, whether the information is textual or visual. Although information retrieval techniques have improved a lot in providing ...
On Efficient Query Processing with the Earth Mover's Distance
The Earth Mover's Distance which is proposed in computer vision as a distance-based similarity model has been widely used and investigated in various domains for similarity search. Although there exists the opportunity to apply this well-known ...
Two-way Recommendation Methods for Social Networks
In this work, we present the challenges associated with the two-way recommendation methods in social networks and the solutions. We discuss them from the perspective of community-type social networks such as online dating networks.
Facilitating Interactive Mining of Global and Local Association Rules
Association rule mining, a critical technology for decision making, faces two key challenges: (a.) performance: unacceptably high response times that are not capable of supporting interactive analysis, and (b.) usability: lack of support for sense-...
Applications of Rule Mining in Knowledge Bases
The continuous progress of Information Extraction (IE) techniques has led to the construction of large Knowledge Bases (KBs) containing facts about millions of entities such as people, organizations and places. KBs are important nowadays because they ...
An Effective Question Expanding Method for Question Classification in cQA services
This paper introduces a new question expanding method for question classification in cQA services. Input questions are mostly generated by a small size of text in the cQA services, and test inputs consist of only a question whereas training data do a ...
Two Phases Outlier Detection in Different Subspaces
Mining high dimensional outlier is not fully resolved for its dimensional particularity. The existing full space based methods can find distinct outliers and neglect those hidden in some subspaces. Subspace based approaches can detect most outliers that ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Ph.D Students