The ninth biennial ETRA 2016 in Charleston, SC, has attracted researchers and practitioners from diverse areas to move the field of eye tracking technology and applications forward. ETRA has become a leading hotbed for research on eye tracking technology and applications. As these proceedings of the ninth sequel of the symposium show, eye tracking technology and applications is steadily progressing, revealing interesting and promising new insights. Authors have been encouraged to submit papers on topics such as advances in eye tracking technology, gaze-based interaction, eye movement data analysis and visual attention.
Cited By
Bernal E, Sharma R, Yenneti S, Mackey I, Malave J, Walvoord D, Brower B, Manser K, De Melo C, Rao R and Howell C (2024). Task-oriented synthetic-to-real image translation for data-efficient learning Synthetic Data for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Tools, Techniques, and Applications II, 10.1117/12.3013814, 9781510673885, (32)
Saleem M, Mayne R and Napolitano R (2023). Analysis of gaze patterns during facade inspection to understand inspector sense-making processes, Scientific Reports, 10.1038/s41598-023-29950-w, 13:1
Meyer J, Schlebusch T, Spruit H, Hellmig J, Kasneci E, Peroz C and Kress B (2021). A compact low-power gaze gesture sensor based on laser feedback interferometry for smart glasses Digital Optical Technologies 2021, 10.1117/12.2593772, 9781510644106, (10)
- Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications