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CIKM '99: Proceedings of the eighth international conference on Information and knowledge management
ACM1999 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
CIKM99: Conference on Information and Knowledge Management Kansas City Missouri USA November 2 - 6, 1999
01 November 1999
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No abstract available.

Searching the web (keynote address): can you find what you want?

The World Wide Web has revolutionized communication and information distribution, storage, and access. Its impact has been felt everywhere - e.g. science and technology, commerce and business, education, government, religion, law, entertainment, health ...

A practitioner's view of techniques used in data warehousing for sifting through data to provide information (keynote address)

Over the past 10 years data warehousing evolved from providing 'nice to know' data to 'need to know' information. The decision support systems providing summarized reports to executives have advanced to integrated information factories providing vital ...

Simple QSF-trees: an efficient and scalable spatial access method

The development of high-performance spatial access methods that can support complex operations of large spatial databases continues to attract considerable attention. This paper introduces QSF-trees, an efficient and scalable structure for indexing ...

Transformation-based spatial join

Spatial join finds pairs of spatial objects having a specific spatial relationship in spatial database systems. A number of spatial join algorithms have recently been proposed in the literature. Most of them, however, perform the join in the original ...

Binary string relations: a foundation for spatiotemporal knowledge representation

The paper is concerned with the qualitative representation of spatiotemporal relations. We initially propose a multiresolution framework for the representation of relations among 1D intervals, based on a binary string encoding. We subsequently extend ...

Extracting significant time varying features from text

We propose a simple statistical model for the frequency of occurrence of features in a stream of text. Adoption of this model allows us to use classical significance tests to filter the stream for interesting events. We tested the model by building a ...

A method of geographical name extraction from Japanese text for thematic geographical search

A text retrieval method called the thematic geographical search method has been developed and applied to a Japanese encyclopedia called the World Encyclopædia. In this method, the user specifies a search theme using free words, then obtains a sorted ...

Training a selection function for extraction

In this paper we compare performance of several heuristics in generating informative generic/query-oriented extracts for newspaper articles in order to learn how topic prominence affects the performance of each heuristic. We study how different query ...

Ready for prime time: pre-generation of web pages in TIScover

In large data- and access-intensive web sites, efficient and reliable access is hard to achieve. This situation gets even worse for web sites providing precise structured query facilities and requiring topicality of the presented information even in ...

Local replication for proxy web caches with hash routing

This paper studies controlled local replication for hash routing, such as CARP, among a collection of loosely-coupled proxy web cache servers. Hash routing partitions the entire URL space among the shared web caches, creating a single logical cache. ...

Semantic caching via query matching for web sources

A semantic caching scheme suitable for wrappers wrapping web sources is presented. Since the web sources have typically weaker querying capabilities than conventional databases, existing semantic caching schemes cannot be applied directly. A seamlessly ...

Automatically extracting structure and data from business reports

A considerable amount of clean semistructured data is internally available to companies in the form of business reports. However, business reports are untapped for data mining, data warehousing, and querying because they are not in relational form. ...

Extracting semi-structured data through examples

In this paper, we describe an innovative approach to extracting semi-structured data from Web sources. The idea is to collect a couple of example objects from the user and to use this information to extract new objects from new pages or texts. To ...

Discovering quasi-equivalence relationships from database systems

Association rule mining has recently attracted strong attention and proven to be a highly successful technique for extracting useful information from very large databases. In this paper, we explore a generalized affinity-based association mining which ...

Task-oriented world wide web retrieval by document type classification

This paper proposes a novel approach to accurately searching Web pages for relevant information in problem solving by specifying a Web document category instead of the user's task. Accessing information from World Wide Web pages as an approach to ...

Classification algorithms for NETNEWS articles

We propose several algorithms using the vector space model to classify the news articles posted on the NETNEWS according to the newsgroup categories. The baseline method combines the terms of all the articles of each newsgroup in the training set to ...

Text classification using ESC-based stochastic decision lists

We propose a new method of text classification using stochastic decision lists. A stochastic decision list is an ordered sequence of IF-THEN rules, and our method can be viewed as a rule-based method for text classification having advantages of ...

Database model for web-based cooperative applications

In this paper we propose a model of a database that could become a kernel of cooperative database applications. First, we propose a new data model CDM (Collaborative Data Model) that is oriented for the specificity of multiuser environments, in ...

Indexing and retrieval of scientific literature

The web has greatly improved access to scientific literature. However, scientific articles on the web are largely disorganized, with research articles being spread across archive sites, institution sites, journal sites, and researcher homepages. No ...

Metadata and data structures for the historical newspaper digital library

We examine metadata and data-structure issues for the Historical Newspaper Digital Library. This project proposes to digitize and then do OCR and linguisting processing on several years worth of historical newspapers. Newspapers are very complex ...

A horizontal fragmentation algorithm for the fact relation in a distributed data warehouse

Data warehousing is one of the major research topics of appliedside database investigators. Most of the work to date has focused on building large centralized systems that are integrated repositories founded on pre-existing systems upon which all ...

Requirement-based data cube schema design

On-line analytical processing (OLAP) requires efficient processing of complex decision support queries over very large databases. It is well accepted that pre-computed data cubes can help reduce the response time of such queries dramatically. A very ...

Extending complex ad-hoc OLAP

Large scale data analysis and mining activities require sophisticated information extraction queries. Many queries require complex aggregation, and many of these aggregates are non-distributive. Conventional solutions to this problem involve defining ...

Yahoo! as an ontology: using Yahoo! categories to describe documents

We suggest that one (or a collection) of names of Yahoo! (or any other WWW indexer's) categories can be used to describe the content of a document. Such categories offer a standardized and universal way for referring to or describing the nature of real ...

Ontology-based web site mapping for information exploration

Centralized search process requires that the whole collection reside at a single site. This imposes a burden on both the system storage of the site and the network traffic near the site. It thus comes to require the search process to be distributed. ...

Browsing large digital library collections using classification hierarchies

Summarization of intermediary query result sets plays an important role when users browse through digital library collections. Summarization enables users to quickly digest the results of their queries, and provides users with important information they ...

ZBroker: a query routing broker for Z39.50 databases

A query routing broker is a software agent that determines from a large set of accessing information sources the ones most relevant to a user's information need. As the number of information sources on the Internet increases dramatically, future users ...

Architecture of a metasearch engine that supports user information needs

When a query is submitted to a metasearch engine, decisions are made with respect to the underlying search engines to be used, what modifications will be made to the query, and how to score the results. These decisions are typically made by considering ...

Efficient and effective metasearch for a large number of text databases

Metasearch engines can be used to facilitate ordinary users for retrieving information from multiple local sources (text databases). In a metasearch engine, the contents of each local database is represented by a representative. Each user query is ...

Mining inter-transaction associations with templates

Multi-dimensional, inter-transaction association rules extend the traditional association rules to describe more general associations among items with multiple properties cross transactions. “After McDonald and Burger King open branches, KFC will open a ...

  • University of Arkansas

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the eighth international conference on Information and knowledge management


      Acceptance Rates

      Overall Acceptance Rate 1,861 of 8,427 submissions, 22%
      CIKM '222,25762128%
      CIKM '191,03120220%
      CIKM '1882614718%
      CIKM '1785517120%
      CIKM '1670116023%
      CIKM '1564616526%
      CIKM '1483817521%
      CIKM '1384814317%
      CIKM '054257718%