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Fast dimension reduction using Rademacher series on dual BCH codes
The Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform (FJLT) was recently discovered by Ailon and Chazelle as a novel technique for performing fast dimension reduction with small distortion from ℓd2 to ℓd2 in time O(max{d log d,k3}). For k in [Ω(log d), O(d1/2)] ...
Estimators and tail bounds for dimension reduction in lα (0 < α ≤ 2) using stable random projections
The method of stable random projections is popular in data stream computations, data mining, information retrieval, and machine learning, for efficiently computing the lα (0 < α ≤ 2) distances using a small (memory) space, in one pass of the data.
We ...
A deterministic sub-linear time sparse fourier algorithm via non-adaptive compressed sensing methods
We study the problem of estimating the best B term Fourier representation for a given frequency-sparse signal (i.e., vector) A of length N > B. More precisely, we investigate how to deterministically identify B of the largest magnitude frequencies of Â, ...
Explicit constructions for compressed sensing of sparse signals
Over the recent years, a new approach for obtaining a succinct approximate representation of n-dimensional vectors (or signals) has been discovered. For any signal x, the succinct representation of x is equal to Ax, where A is a carefully chosen R x n ...
Improved distance sensitivity oracles via random sampling
We present improved oracles for the distance sensitivity problem. The goal is to preprocess a graph G = (V,E) with non-negative edge weights to answer queries of the form: what is the length of the shortest path from x to y that does not go through some ...
Strongly polynomial and fully combinatorial algorithms for bisubmodular function minimization
Bisubmodular functions are a natural "directed", or "signed", extension of submodular functions with several applications. Recently Fujishige and Iwata showed how to extend the Iwata, Fleischer, and Fujishige (IFF) algorithm for submodular function ...
Holographic algorithms with unsymmetric signatures
Holographic algorithms were introduced by Valiant as a new methodology to derive polynomial time algorithms. Here information and computation are represented by exponential sums using the so-called signatures. These signatures express superpositions of ...
The UGC hardness threshold of the ℓp Grothendieck problem
For p ≥ 2 we consider the problem of, given an n × n matrix A = (aij) whose diagonal entries vanish, approximating in polynomial time the number {display equation} (where optimization is taken over real numbers).
When p = 2 this is simply the problem of ...
Succinct approximate convex pareto curves
We study the succinct approximation of convex Pareto curves of multiobjective optimization problems. We propose the concept of ε-convex Pareto (ε-CP) set as the appropriate one for the convex setting, and observe that it can offer arbitrarily more ...
Efficient reductions among lattice problems
We give various deterministic polynomial time reductions among approximation problems on point lattices. Our reductions are both efficient and robust, in the sense that they preserve the rank of the lattice and approximation factor achieved. Our main ...
Delaunay graphs of point sets in the plane with respect to axis-parallel rectangles
Given a point set P in the plane, the Delaunay graph with respect to axis-parallel rectangles is a graph defined on the vertex set P, whose two points p,q ∈ P are connected by an edge if and only if there is a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes ...
Greedy drawings of triangulations
Greedy Routing is a class of routing algorithms in which the packets are forwarded in a manner that reduces the distance to the destination at every step. In an attempt to provide theoretical guarantees for a class of greedy routing algorithms, ...
Maintaining deforming surface meshes
We present a method to maintain a mesh approximating a deforming surface, which is specified by a dense set of sample points. We identify a reasonable motion model for which a provably good surface mesh can be maintained. Our algorithm determines the ...
Exact and efficient 2D-arrangements of arbitrary algebraic curves
We show how to compute the planar arrangement induced by segments of arbitrary algebraic curves with the Bentley-Ottmann sweep-line algorithm. The necessary geometric primitives reduce to cylindrical algebraic decompositions of the plane for one or two ...
On properties of random dissections and triangulations
In the past decades the Gn,p model of random graphs, introduced by Erdős and Rényi in the 60's, has led to numerous beautiful and deep theorems. A key feature that is used in basically all proofs is that edges in Gn,p appear independently. The ...
Graph algorithms for biological systems analysis
The post-genomic era has witnessed an explosion in the quality, quantity and variety of biological data---sequence, structure, and networks. However, when building computational models on these data, some abstractions recur often. In particular, graph-...
Adaptive local ratio
Local Ratio is a well-known paradigm for designing approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. At a very high level, a local ratio algorithm first decomposes the input weight function w into a positive linear combination of simpler ...
Two-phase greedy algorithms for some classes of combinatorial linear programs
We present greedy algorithms for some classes of combinatorial packing and cover problems within the general formal framework of Hoffman and Schwartz' lattice polyhedra. Our algorithms compute in a first phase Monge solutions for the associated dual ...
Analysis of greedy approximations with nonsubmodular potential functions
In this paper, we present two techniques to analyze greedy approximation with nonsubmodular functions restricted submodularity and shifted submodularity. As an application of the restricted submodularity, we present a worst-case analysis of a greedy ...
Yet another algorithm for dense max cut: go greedy
We study dense instances of MaxCut and its generalizations. Following a long list of existing, diverse and often sophisticated approximation schemes, we propose taking the naïve greedy approach; we prove that when the vertices are considered in random ...
Computing large matchings fast
In this paper we present algorithms for computing large matchings in 3-regular graphs, graphs with maximum degree 3, and 3-connected planar graphs. The algorithms give a guarantee on the size of the computed matching and take linear or slightly ...
A fractional model of the border gateway protocol (BGP)
The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the interdomain routing protocol used to exchange routing information between Autonomous Systems (ASes) in the internet today. While intradomain routing protocols such as RIP are basically distributed algorithms for ...
Minimizing average latency in oblivious routing
We consider the problem of minimizing average latency cost while obliviously routing traffic in a network with linear latency functions. This is roughly equivalent to minimizing the function Σe(load(e))2, where for a network link e, load(e) denotes the ...
Distributed broadcast in unknown radio networks
We consider the problem of broadcasting in an unknown radio network modeled as a directed graph G = (V, E), where |V| = n. In unknown networks, every node knows only its own label, while it is unaware of any other parameter of the network, included its ...
The power of memory in randomized broadcasting
In this paper we analyze the runtime and number of message transmissions generated by simple randomized broadcasting algorithms in random-like networks, and show that an apparently minor change in the ability of the nodes implies an exponential decrease ...
Competitive queue management for latency sensitive packets
We consider the online problem of non-preemptive queue management. An online sequence of packets arrive, each of which has an associated intrinsic value. Packets can be accepted to a FIFO queue, or discarded. The profit gained by transmitting a packet ...
Rapid mixing of Gibbs sampling on graphs that are sparse on average
Gibbs sampling also known as Glauber dynamics is a popular technique for sampling high dimensional distributions defined on graphs. Of special interest is the behavior of Gibbs sampling on the Erdös-Rényi random graph G(n, d/n), where each edge is ...
Product growth and mixing in finite groups
We prove the following inequality on the convolution of distributions over a finite group G: {display equation} where X, Y are probability distributions over G, the * denotes convolution, U the uniform distribution over G, and || · || the l2-norm; n is ...
Concatenated codes can achieve list-decoding capacity
We prove that binary linear concatenated codes with an outer algebraic code (specifically, a folded Reed-Solomon code) and independently and randomly chosen linear inner codes achieve the list-decoding capacity with high probability. In particular, for ...
Noisy sorting without resampling
In this paper we study noisy sorting without re-sampling. In this problem there is an unknown order {display equation} where π is a permutation on n elements. The input is the status of (n2) queries of the form q(ai, aj), for i < j, where q(ai, aj) = + (...