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10.5555/2081585guideproceedingsBook PagePublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype
OPODIS'06: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Principles of Distributed Systems
2006 Proceeding
  • Springer-Verlag
  • Berlin, Heidelberg
Bordeaux France December 12 - 15, 2006
12 December 2006
EPHE, LaISC, AUF, Université Paris 8

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Lazy and speculative execution in computer systems

The distinction between lazy and eager (or strict) evaluation has been studied in programming languages since Algol 60s call by name, as a way to avoid unnecessary work and to deal gracefully with infinite structures such as streams. It is deeply ...

In search of the holy grail: looking for the weakest failure detector for wait-free set agreement

Asynchronous failure detector-based set agreement algorithms proposed so far assume that all the processes participate in the algorithm. This means that (at least) the processes that do not crash propose a value and consequently execute the algorithm. ...

A topological treatment of early-deciding set-agreement

This paper considers the k-set-agreement problem in a synchronous message passing distributed system where up to t processes can fail by crashing. We determine the number of communication rounds needed for all correct processes to reach a decision in a ...

Renaming with k-set-consensus: an optimal algorithm into n + k - 1 slots

Recently Mostefaoui, Raynal, and Travers [1] showed that with the use of k-set-consensus they can strongly rename n processors into the range of 2n–⌈n/k ⌉. That is the overhead is n–⌈n/k ⌉. Here we reduce the range to n+k–1, i.e. we reduce the overhead ...

When consensus meets self-stabilization

This paper presents a self-stabilizing failure detector, asynchronous consensus and replicated state-machine algorithm suite, the components of which can be started in an arbitrary state and converge to act as a virtual state-machine.

Self-stabilizing ...

On the cost of uniform protocols whose memory consumption is adaptive to interval contention

A distributed shared memory protocol is called memory-adaptive, if all writes to MWMR registers are ”close to the beginning of shared memory”, that is the indices of all MWMR registers processes write to when executing the protocol are functions of the ...

Optimistic algorithms for partial database replication

In this paper, we study the problem of partial database replication. Numerous previous works have investigated database replication, however, most of them focus on full replication. We are here interested in genuine partial replication protocols, which ...

Optimal clock synchronization revisited: upper and lower bounds in real-time systems

This paper introduces a simple real-time distributed computing model for message-passing systems, which reconciles the distributed computing and the real-time systems perspective: By just replacing instantaneous computing steps with computing steps of ...

Distributed priority inheritance for real-time and embedded systems

We study the problem of priority inversion in distributed real-time and embedded systems and propose a solution based on a distributed version of the priority inheritance protocol (PIP). Previous approaches to priority inversions in distributed systems ...

Safe termination detection in an asynchronous distributed system when processes may crash and recover

The termination detection problem involves detecting whether an ongoing distributed computation has ceased all its activities. We investigate the termination detection problem in an asynchronous distributed system under crash-recovery model. It has been ...

Lock-free dynamically resizable arrays

We present a first lock-free design and implementation of a dynamically resizable array (vector). The most extensively used container in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) is vector, offering a combination of dynamic memory management and constant-...

Distributed spanner construction in doubling metric spaces

This paper presents a distributed algorithm that runs on an n-node unit ball graph (UBG) G residing in a metric space of constant doubling dimension, and constructs, for any ε 0, a (1 + ε)-spanner H of G with maximum degree bounded above by a constant. ...

Verification techniques for distributed algorithms

A value-passing, asynchronous process calculus and its associated theory of confluence are considered as a basis for establishing the correctness of distributed algorithms. In particular, we present an asynchronous version of value-passing CCS and we ...

Mobile agent algorithms versus message passing algorithms

In this paper, we are interested in the computational power of a mobile agent system and, more particularly, in the comparison with a message passing system. First we give formal definitions. Then we explain how a mobile agent algorithm can be simulated ...

Incremental construction of k-dominating sets in wireless sensor networks

Given a graph G, a k-dominating set of G is a subset S of its vertices with the property that every vertex of G is either in S or has at least k neighbors in S. We present a new incremental distributed algorithm to construct a k-dominating set. The ...

Of malicious motes and suspicious sensors: on the efficiency of malicious interference in wireless networks

How efficiently can a malicious device disrupt communication in a wireless network? Imagine a basic game involving two honest players, Alice and Bob, who want to exchange information, and an adversary, Collin, who can disrupt communication using a ...

Empire of Colonies: self-stabilizing and self-organizing distributed algorithms

Self-stabilization ensures automatic recovery from an arbitrary state; we define self-organization as a property of algorithms which display local attributes. More precisely, we say that an algorithm is self-organizing if (1) it converges in sublinear ...

GLANCE: a lightweight querying service for wireless sensor networks

Distance-sensitivity guarantee in querying is a highly desirable property in wireless sensor networks as it limits the cost of executing a “query” operation to be within a constant factor of the distance to the nearest node that contains an answer. ...

On many-to-many communication in packet radio networks

Radio networks model wireless data communication when bandwidth is limited to one wave frequency. The key restriction of such networks is mutual interference of packets arriving simultaneously to a node. The many-to-many (m2m) communication primitive ...

Robust random number generation for peer-to-peer systems

We consider the problem of designing an efficient and robust distributed random number generator for peer-to-peer systems that is easy to implement and works even if all communication channels are public. A robust random number generator is crucial for ...

About the lifespan of peer to peer networks

In this paper we analyze the ability of peer to peer networks to deliver a complete file among the peers. Early on we motivate a broad generalization of network behavior organizing it into one of two successive phases. According to this view the network ...

Incentive-based robust reputation mechanism for p2p services

In this paper, we address the problem of designing a robust reputation mechanism for peer-to-peer services. The mechanism we propose achieves high robustness against malicious peers (from individual or collusive ones) and provides incentive for ...

Searching for black-hole faults in a network using multiple agents

We consider a fixed communication network where (software) agents can move freely from node to node along the edges. A black hole is a faulty or malicious node in the network such that if an agent enters this node, then it immediately “dies.” We are ...

Gathering asynchronous mobile robots with inaccurate compasses

This paper considers a system of asynchronous autonomous mobile robots that can move freely in a two-dimensional plane with no agreement on a common coordinate system. Starting from any initial configuration, the robots are required to eventually gather ...

Gathering few fat mobile robots in the plane

Autonomous identical robots represented by unit discs move deterministically in the plane. They do not have any common coordinate system, do not communicate, do not have memory of the past and are totally asynchronous. Gathering such robots means ...

Hop chains: secure routing and the establishment of distinct identities

We present a secure routing protocol that is immune to Sybil attacks, and that can tolerate initial collusion of Byzantine routers, or runtime collusion of non-adjacent Byzantine routers in the absence of collusion between adjacent routers. For these ...

Computing on a partially eponymous ring

We study the partially eponymous model of distributed computation, which simultaneously generalizes the anonymous and the eponymous models. In this model, processors have identities, which are neither necessarily all identical, nor necessarily unique; ...

Self-stabilizing leader election in networks of finite-state anonymous agents

This paper considers the self-stabilizing leader-election problem in a model of interacting anonymous finite-state agents. Leader election is a fundamental problem in distributed systems; many distributed problems are easily solved with the help of a ...

Robust self-stabilizing clustering algorithm

Ad hoc networks consist of wireless hosts that communicate with each other in the absence of a fixed infrastructure. Such networks cannot rely on centralized and organized network management. The clustering problem consists in partitioning network nodes ...

Self-stabilizing wireless connected overlays

We propose the correctness proofs and the complexity analysis for the first self-stabilizing constructions of connected overlays for wireless networks (eg. MANETs, WSN) based on the computation of Connected Dominating Set (CDS). The basic idea is to ...

