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10.5555/2247312guideproceedingsBook PagePublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype
APWeb'12: Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Web Technologies and Applications
2012 Proceeding
  • Editors:
  • Hua Wang,
  • Lei Zou,
  • Guangyan Huang,
  • Jing He,
  • Chaoyi Pang
  • Springer-Verlag
  • Berlin, Heidelberg
Kunming China April 11 - 13, 2012
11 April 2012
Hebei Univ. of Eng., Chinese Academic of Science, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, China, Northeast Univ., Kunming University of Science and Technology

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SECTION: The 1st international workshop on sensor networks and data engineering (sende 2012)
Keynote speech: technological breakthroughs in environmental sensor networks

Sensor networks have significantly reduced the costs of data gathering in the environment. Real-time sensor data are being used for scientific and industrial purposes such as calibration of forecast modeling, environmental monitoring and decision-making ...

A new formal description model of network attacking and defence knowledge of oil and gas field SCADA system

In this paper, we analyse the factors affecting the network security of a gas SCADA system. We model the security problem in the SCADA system into an online digital intelligent defensing process, including all reasoning judgment, thinking and expression ...

An efficient overload control strategy in cloud

In cloud, service performances are expected to meet various QoS requirements stably, and a great challenge for achieving this comes from the great workload fluctuations in stateful systems. So far, few previous works have endeavored for handling ...

The geological disasters defense expert system of the massive pipeline network SCADA system based on FNN

The SCADA system plays an important role in monitoring the long distance operation of mass pipeline network, which may experience huge damage due to landslides geological hazards. It is critical to detect the deformation and displacement of rock to ...

TDSC: a two-phase duplicate string compression algorithm

Due to current real-time data compression algorithms is not efficient enough, we have proposed a two-phase real-time data compression algorithm which can be very fast in data compression with high compression rate. The algorithm can adapt to both text ...

Twig pattern matching running on XML streams

Twig pattern matching plays an important role in XML query processing, holistic twig pattern matching algorithms have been proposed and are considered to be effective since they avoid producing large number of intermediate results. Meanwhile, automaton-...

A novel method for extension transformation knowledge discovering

On the foundation of analyzing the existing classification, an acquisition method of extension transformation knowledge based on Decision Tree classification has been proposed The new-bored method re-mines and transforms the decision tree rules to "can'...

A flexible parallel runtime for large scale block-based matrix multiplication

Block-based matrix multiplication plays an important role in statics computing. It is hard to make large scale matrix multiplication in data statistics and analysis. A flexible parallel runtime for large scale block-based matrix is proposed in this ...

Group detection and relation analysis research for web social network

With the rapid development of web social networks and its integration into our daily lives, interactivity and participatory between people and web have made the web social networks play an important role in the information security, trade relations, ...

Worm propagation control based on spatial correlation in wireless sensor network

Recent threats caused by worms on wireless sensor network are recognized as one of the most serious security threats. Due to the limit of the hardware, there wouldn't many protect technologies applied in the sensor nodes. Therefore, it is necessary to ...

PointBurst: towards a trust-relationship framework for improved social recommendations

With the rapid growth of information on the World Wide Web, social recommendations have appeared as one of the most important roles attracting growing attentions from researchers. Social recommendations enable a form of efficient knowledge for users and ...

SECTION: The 1st international workshop on intelligent data processing (IDP 2012)
Analysis framework for electric vehicle sharing systems using vehicle movement data stream

This paper designs and builds a serviceability analysis framework for electric vehicle sharing systems based on the vehicle movement data stream collected from the taxi telematics system. For the given sharing station distribution and the relocation ...

Research on customer segmentation based on extension classification

Customer value (CV) can scale the relative essentiality on the customer for an enterprise according to an enterprise as a main body of value and the customer as an object of value at the same time. CV is varied continually in a changing environment. ...

An incremental mining algorithm for association rules based on minimal perfect hashing and pruning

In the literatures, hash-based association rule mining algorithms are more efficient than Apriori-based algorithms, since they employ hash functions to generate candidate itemsets efficiently. However, when the dataset is updated, the whole hash table ...

LDA-Based topic modeling in labeling blog posts with wikipedia entries

Given a search query, most existing search engines simply return a ranked list of search results. However, it is often the case that those search result documents consist of a mixture of documents that are closely related to various contents. In order ...

The correlation between semantic visual similarity and ontology-based concept similarity in effective web image search

This paper compares the correlations between visual similarity of real-world images and different ontology-based concept similarity in order to find a novel measurement of the relationship between semantic concepts (objects, scenes) in visual domain ...

An adaptive design pattern for invocation of synchronous and asynchronous web services in autonomic computing systems

Asynchronous invocations are needed in the context of distributed object frameworks to prevent clients from blocking during remote invocations. Popular Web Service frameworks offer only synchronous invocations (over HTTP). When a client with ...

Mining tribe-leaders based on the frequent pattern of propagation

With the rapid development of new social networks, such as blog, forum, microblog, etc, the publication and propagation of information become more convenient, and the interactions of users become more active and frequent. Discovering the influencers in ...

SECTION: Workshop on information extraction and knowledge base building (IEKB 2012)
Research on semantic label extraction of domain entity relation based on CRF and rules

For the vast amounts of data on the Web, this paper presents an extraction method of semantic label of entity relation in the tourism domain based on the conditional random fields and rules. In this method, firstly making use of the ideas of ...

Recognition of chinese personal names based on CRFs and law of names

Recognition of chinese personal names becomes a difficult and key point in chinese unknown word recognition. This paper explored the context boundary of names and the law of names. The context boundary of names is concentrated, which can reduce ...

An academic search and analysis prototype for specific domain

There exist several powerful and popular academic search engines, such as Microsoft Academic Search, Google Scholar and CiteSeerX, etc. However, query answering is now being required by users in addition to existed keyword and semantic search. Academic ...

Learning chinese entity attributes from online encyclopedia

Automatically constructing knowledge bases from free online encyclopedias has been considered to be a crucial step in many internet related areas. However, current research pays more attention to extract knowledge facts from English resources, and there ...

A mathematical model for human flesh search engine

Human Flesh Search Engine (HFSE) is a phenomenon of massive researching using Web media such as blogs and forums with a purpose of exposing personal details of perceived misbehaviors. With the increasing efficiency and convenience of the Web, Human ...

SECTION: The 2nd international workshop on mobile business collaboration (MBC 2012)
A new dynamic ID-Based remote user authentication scheme with forward secrecy

Forward secrecy is one of the important properties of remote user authentication schemes to limit the effects of eventual failure of the entire system when the long-term private keys of one or more parties are compromised. Recently, Tsai et al. showed ...

Reconstructing unsound data provenance view in scientific workflow

The view of data provenance provides an approach of data abstraction and encapsulation by partitioning tasks in the data provenance graph (DPG) of scientific workflow into a set of composite modules due to the data flow relations among them, so as to ...

A process distance metric based on alignment of process structure trees

For various applications in today's service-oriented enterprise computing systems, such as process-oriented service discovering or clustering, it is necessary to measure the distance between two process models. In this paper, we propose a quantitative ...

Adoption of cloud computing in supply chain management solutions: a SCOR-Aligned assessment

Efficient supply chains are a vital necessity for many companies. Supply chain management acts on operational processes, divergent and consolidated information flows and interaction processes with a variety of business partners. Efforts of recent years ...

Exploiting space-time status for service recommendation

The prevalence of smart devices allows people to record their space-time status. This paper focuses on exploiting user space-time status and the related semantic information for service recommendation. Firstly, event DAG is employed to organize the ...

Invariant analysis for ordering constraints of multi-view business process model

Workflow technology is applied in the mobile computing environment to improve the efficiency of modern business collaboration. Business process modeling language is a core element in WFMS (Workflow Management Systems). Business process model includes ...

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