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Compliance with normative systems
I will argue that the cognitive attitudes and operations involved in compliance with normative systems are usually different from those involved in complying with isolated social norms. While isolated norms must be stored in the memory of the agents ...
Coherence-Based account of the doctrine of consistent interpretation
The aim of this paper is to provide a constraint satisfaction account of the doctrine of consistent interpretation developed by the European Court of Justice (now the Court of Justice of the EU) to protect effective and harmonious realization of the ...
Three roads to complexity, AI and the law of robots: on crimes, contracts, and torts
The paper examines the impact of robotics technology on contemporary legal systems and, more particularly, some of the legal challenges brought on by the information revolution in the fields of criminal law, contracts, and tort law. Whereas, in ...
The legal challenges of networked robotics: from the safety intelligence perspective
One of the reasons that future robots will enhance their intelligence and actions in an unstructured environment is because of their "networked" feature. Current robot designs have difficulty in understanding unstructured environments due to the ...
Cloud computting: new research perspectives for computers and law
Cloud computing represents a new business paradigm whereby a series of computing resources are offered as a service, available on-demand, on a pay-per-use basis, over the Internet. In this paper, we propose a hypothesis of how Cloud computing can be ...
Balancing rights and values in the italian courts: a benchmark for a quantitative analysis
In conformity with the global tendency, balancing is increasingly used in judicial practice as an argumentation technique for solving legal disputes; more and more, judges of all levels ground their decisions on the balancing of individual rights, ...
Survival of the fittest: network analysis of dutch supreme court cases
In this paper we present the results of a study to see whether the number of citations to cases is an indication of the relevance and authority of these cases in the Dutch legal system. Fowler e.a. have shown such results for the US common law system, ...
Ontology framework for judgment modelling
The paper shows how to model judgments starting from the text and capturing not only the structural parts, but also the basic arguments used by the judge to reach its conclusions. We have also included a qualification of citations following the Shepard'...
Eunomos, a legal document and knowledge management system to build legal services
We introduce the Eunomos software, an advanced legal document management system with terminology management. We describe the challenges of legal research in an increasingly complex, multi-level and multi-lingual world and how the Eunomos software helps ...
Axioms on a semantic model for legislation for accessing and reasoning over normative provisions
In this paper an approach to the Semantic Web in the legal domain is presented: it is obtained by modelling legislative document semantic profiles using a model of normative provisions. An implementation of this approach through RDF/OWL, describing ...
An open access policy for legal informatics dissemination and sharing
Scholarly communication is facing great changes due to the revolution of digital technology and the raising of new economic models for academic publishing. In the legal domain, in particular, these changes affect a scenario dominated by a rigid and ...
Advancing an open access publication model for legal information institutes
In this paper we propose an Open Access model for Legal Information Institutes (LIIs) publications in three steps: Accredited Public Archival (APA), Comment-Open Publication (COP) and peer reviewed Publication (PRP). This raises some ethical and legal ...
Combinations of normal and non-normal modal logics for modeling collective trust in normative MAS
We provide technical details for combining normal and a non-normal logics for the notion of collective trust. Such combinations lead to different levels of expressiveness of the system. We give a possible structure for a combined model checker for one ...
Software agents as boundary objects
Despite the wide use of agent-based applications in different areas of human activity, there hasn't been paid much attention to understand how these applications are possible, taking into account that they are build by people coming from such ...
Argumentation and intuitive decision making: criminal sentencing and sentence indication
This paper investigates criminal sentencing in the Australian State of Victoria in particular the intuitive nature of the decision making and the difficulties of representing intuitive knowledge. In order for decision systems to be useful for the ...
Application of model-based diagnosis to multi-agent systems representing public administration
In public administration, legal knowledge in the form of critical incidents and, for want of a better word, noncompliance storylines is important for monitoring and enforcement, but has no natural place in traditional forms of legal knowledge ...
Semantic annotation of legal texts through a framenet-based approach
In this work we illustrate a novel approach for solving an information extraction problem on legal texts. It is based on Natural Language Processing techniques and on the adoption of a formalization that allows coupling domain knowledge and syntactic ...
Developing a frame-based lexicon for the brazilian legal language: the case of the criminal_process frame
The FrameNet database has been used for semantic tagging and multilingual lexicon development. This paper describes the initial steps in the development of a lexicographic project that aims to build a legal frame-based lexicon for the Brazilian legal ...
Creative commons and grand challenge to make legal language simple
In this paper we analyse the Creative Commons computerized licensing system. We draw the attention to the fact that despite considerable efforts to make the complicated task of licensing work using so-called free license as simple as possible, the ...
From user needs to expert knowledge: mapping laymen queries with ontologies in the domain of consumer mediation
We believe that an important element towards the improvement of online legal services lies in the ability to identify legally relevant textual segments in users queries. In this line, this paper presents a case study in the processing of citizens ...
Ethical responsibilities and legal liabilities of network security professionals
ACSAC '97: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Computer Security Applications ConferenceProfits, losses and the attendant risks of tort litigation run to the extreme in times of great speculation in an unregulated economic environment-conditions which characterize the present enormous growth in computer networking. Public law enforcement ...