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[Title page iii]
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Maximal Synthesis for Hennessy-Milner Logic
We present a solution for the synthesis on Kripke structures with labelled transitions, with respect to Hennessy-Milner Logic. This encompasses the definition of a theoretical framework that is able to express how such a transition system should be ...
Incremental Bisimulation Abstraction Refinement
Abstraction refinement techniques in probabilistic model checking are prominent approaches to the verification of very large or infinite-state probabilistic concurrent systems. At the core of the refinement step lies the implicit or explicit analysis of ...
A New Multi-threaded Code Synthesis Methodology and Tool for Correct-by-Construction Synthesis from Polychronous Specifications
Embedded software systems respond to multiple events coming from various sources -- some temporally regular (ex: periodic sampling of continuous time signals) and some intermittent (ex: interrupts, exception events etc.). Timely response to such events ...
Towards Optimal Supervisory Control of Discrete-Time Stochastic Discrete-Event Processes with Data
We propose a model-based systems engineering framework for supervisory control and probabilistic model checking of discrete-time stochastic discrete-event systems. Supervisory control theory deals with synthesis of models of supervisory controllers that ...
Timing Analysis of Binary Programs with UPPAAL
We address the problem of computing accurate Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET). We propose a fully automatic and modular methodology based on program slicing and real-time model-checking. We have implemented our methodology and applied it to standard ...
LTL Model Checking of Parallel Programs with Under-Approximated TSO Memory Model
Model checking of parallel programs under relaxed memory models has been so far limited to the verification of safety properties. Tools have been developed to automatically synthesise correct placement of synchronisation primitives to reinstate the ...
Parametrised Compositional Verification with Multiple Process and Data Types
We present an LTS-based (Labelled Transition System) CSP-like (Communicating Sequential Processes) formalism for expressing parametrised systems. The parameters are process types, which determine the number of replicated components, and data types, ...
Modular Verification of Synchronous Programs
In this paper, we develop an approach to the modular verification of synchronous programs. To this end, we have to solve two major problems: First, if a synchronous module is verified without its later context, outputs may not be completely determined (...
Incremental Generation of Linear Invariants for Component-Based Systems
Invariants generation has been intensively considered as an effective verification method for concurrent systems. However, none of the existing work on the topic strongly exploits the structure of the system and the algebra that defines the interactions ...
Polynomial Sufficient Conditions of Well-Behavedness for Weighted Join-Free and Choice-Free Systems
Join-Free Petri nets, whose transitions have at most one input place, model systems without synchronizations while Choice-Free Petri nets, whose places have at most one output transition, model systems without conflicts. These classes respectively ...
Checking Partial-Order Properties of Vector Addition Systems with States
Message Sequence Graphs (MSGs) form a popular model often used for the documentation of telecommunication protocols. They consist of typical scenarios of message exchanges depicted as partial-orders of events that lead from one control state to another. ...
On Cyclic Behaviour of Unbounded Petri Nets
Cycles in state spaces represent repetitive behaviour of system models. Runs reproducing some state have important interpretations, for example rounds in distributed algorithms. In case of unbounded system models with infinite state space, cycles cannot ...
Reveal Your Faults: It's Only Fair!
We present a methodology for fault diagnosis in concurrent, partially observable systems with additional fairness constraints. In this weak diagnosis, one asks whether a concurrent chronicle of observed events allows to determine that a non-observable ...
Factored Planning: From Automata to Petri Nets
Factored planning mitigates the state space explosion problem by avoiding the construction of the state space of the whole system and instead working with the system's components. Traditionally, finite automata have been used to represent the components,...
STG-Based Resynthesis for Balsa Circuits
Balsa provides a rapid development flow, where asynchronous circuits are created from high-level specifications, but the syntax-driven translation used by the Balsa compiler often results in performance overhead. To reduce this performance penalty, ...
Queue-Dispatch Asynchronous Systems
To make the development of efficient multi-core applications easier, libraries, such as Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), have been proposed. When using such a library, the programmer writes so-called blocks, which are chunks of codes, and dispatches them, ...
Programming and Timing Analysis of Parallel Programs on Multicores
Multicore processors provide better power-performance trade-offs compared to single-core processors. Consequently, they are rapidly penetrating market segments which are both safety critical and hard real-time in nature. However, designing time-...
Prototyping a Concurrency Model
Many novel programming models for concurrency have been proposed in the wake of the multicore computing paradigm shift. They aim to raise the level of abstraction for expressing concurrency and synchronization in a program, and hence to help developers ...
A Parametric Tool for Applied Process Calculi
High-level formalisms for concurrency are often defined as extensions of the the pi-calculus, a growing number is geared towards particular applications or computational paradigms. Psi-calculi is a parametric framework that can accommodate a wide ...
Tag Machines for Modeling Heterogeneous Systems
Embedded systems are often composed from components of very different natures, e.g., mechanical and electronic. Composition of heterogeneous components is generally not well-defined, making design and verification difficult. Denotational mathematical ...
Lexicographical Generations of Combined Traces
Combined traces are intrinsic mathematical model for studying concurrent systems behaviors. They can be used to describe and investigate processes of elementary net systems with inhibitor arcs and allow to describe weak causality and simultaneity of ...